Mary Ann 02's Comments

Turkeys like cracked corn and quickly adapt to a daily routine of feeding. In fact the ones I fed would come up on the patio to look through the slider if I was late. And they adapted so well that not even my 2 labs bothered them. Of course the Labs had been schooled in "Leave it!" and soon ignored the daily flock eating, sitting on the fence, on the roof, etc. And I had no snails or slugs anywhere on my 4 acres!
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"affects adolescents and young adults across the world". Don't think just because you hit a certain age, the zits go away forever. I'm 60 and currently have 2 on my chin and one on my temple.
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Look around. Most mammals have a butt, divided into two cheeks. And if they could stand on 2 legs, their butts would stick out farther than human's. Also common to almost all animals: mouth, nose, 2 eyes, 2 ears, food goes in one end and out the other. We are more alike than we are different, in a physical sense.
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