Neatorama Posts Tagged "colleges and universities"
The Billion-Dollar College Teaching Position...

In my undergraduate days, I had delusion fantasies of becoming a medieval European historian and wasted a lot of time and money moving in that direction. One of the reasons why this was and remains a very difficult caree...
University Offers Course on Doctor Who...

(Image: Anthony Rotolo)For the spring semester of 2015, Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York offers a course on Doctor Who. Anthony Rotolo, a futurist and public speaker, will teach it. He also teaches a course on S...
Only 1 College in the United States Offers a Bagpiping Major...

(Photo of a Chicago PD piper by Jamie McCaffrey)If you want to gauge the sorry state of higher education in the United States, this statistic tells you everything you need to know: there is only 1 college in the entire c...
Kanye West Is Now a College Professor...

(Photo: Team Kanye Daily)Rapper Kanye West is already the subject of a college course. Now he's teaching one. In March, he was sentenced to serve 250 hours of community service for beating a paparazzi photographer. To se...
Professor to Students: Don't Email Me!...

Pictured above is a screenshot from a course syllabus produced by Dr. Spring-Serenity Duvall, a professor of media and gender studies at Salem College in North Carolina. During the Spring semster of 2014, she prohibited...
University Makes the Video Game League of Legends a Varsity Sport with Athletic Scholarships...

(Photo: pinguino k)League of Legends is a hugely popular multiplayer online combat game. Many people do not just play, but play so well that they win tournaments for that game. League of Legends has become so intensely c...
Kinki University in Japan Will Change Its Name to Something Less Naughty-Sounding...

(Photo: Kinki University)The “kinki” in Kinki University means “near the capital,” which is a reference to its proximity to the city of Kyoto, the old capital of Japan. You should not make any inf...
University of Alabama Sports Earn More Money Than Any Team in the National Hockey League...

(Photo: Michael Tosh)CORRECTION 4/9/14: As Jeff the Baptist notes in the comments, I seriously misread the AP report. The University of Alabama's sports program did not earn more than the entire NHL, but any team in the...
College Students Can Earn Beer with Dead Rats...

(Photo: Holger Ellgard)Last year, Gareth Morgan, a philanthropist in New Zealand, urged his countrymen to kill all of the cats in the country. His goals appeared to be the protection of native bird species and attracting...

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