I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Turkish Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream in great delight for a little Turkish ice cream this guy is selling! They certainly don't sell ice cream like this at 31 Flavors!

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After waving the ice cream about in the air for several minutes, what I think of as 'ice cream' would not have stayed on the end of even a cold metal paddle, and melting ice cream drips would have been flying at the customer - a lot less funny. I suspect then an additional ingredient in holding the ice cream together.
I think Cold Stone uses gums, of necessity, so their product will hold together no matter how many toppings and candies the customer asks to have added and worked in. It's been a very profitable gimmick for the company. But I think if you're not going to add toppings and just want a scoop of ice cream, standing on its own, their ice cream is an inferior taste experience, fwiw.
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