Brave Australian Woman Hoists Shark Out Of Pool And Returns It To The Ocean

The more time you spend around sharks the less they seem like mindless eating machines, and people who actually get to like sharks will go out of their way to save a shark's life whenever possible.

But you've gotta be mighty brave, and very comfortable with sharks, to grab one with your bare hands and hoist it out of the water, even if it is just a little ankle biter.

The lady in this clip went for a dip in a Cronulla rock pool in Sydney and found a shark swimming around in there, but instead of letting it ruin her good time she earned the nickname "Shark Lady"- by grabbing the little biter, hoisting it out of the water and tossing it back into the ocean.

Now Shark Lady is an internet hero and a symbol of how Australians coexist with nature. Good on ya Shark Lady!

-Via Guacamoley

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