Baby Horse Cuddles with Woman

(Video Link)

Midway through the encounter, Bayne describes the experience as “the best day ever.” While at the Rapid Run Training Center in Morriston, Florida, she met a foal who was in the mood to cuddle. The foal gently pushed her to the ground, then lay on top of her. Bayne petted as the foal wagged her tail.

Bayne aptly wrote:

Horses have a way about them that touches my soul. Every now and again horse people come across a horse that places a mark on their heart. This one truly touched my heart and soul

-via Daily Telegraph (warning: auto-start video)

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I have the following thought about this video: HEEEEEEEEEEEE! CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

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