Are You Patriotic Enough for the Independence Dog?

Hot dogs are an American tradition and I'm willing to bet that almost any of you who went to a Fourth of July barbeque probably had the option to eat one, even if you chose not to. That being said, you can make a hot dog even more all-American with a little extra work -that's where the Vulgar Chef comes in.

When the Fourth came around this year, the Vulgar Chef took advantage of the holiday by making the most American hot dog of all time -the Independence Dog. This delightful monstrosity takes a typical hot dog, wraps in bacon, then covers it in in ground beef. The meat log is then deep fried, covered in marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese and pepperoni and then served on a bun made of deep fried macaroni and cheese. 

Let freedom ring my friends!

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Frankfurter and hamburger- German.
Mozzarella, pepperoni, and marinara- Italian.
Macaroni and cheese- French.
It's the melting pot! What could be more American than international cuisine fusion?
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