New App Alerts You To Which Foods Will Give You Gas

Most people are embarrassed by passing gas in public, and those who don’t care make the rest of us sick with their stench, so how do you nip gas in the bud before it starts to bellow forth?

A new iOS app called Fart Code helps you figure out which foods will make you fart before you eat them by scanning product bar codes and rating the food on a scale from stinky to toxic, so you can avoid any public displays of flatulence and keep your dignity intact.

Creators of the app Chris Allick, Pablo Rochat and Hanna Wittmark say they developed the app with kids in mind, stating "It’s difficult to talk to your kids about what they eat and how it impacts their bodies and minds and maybe this app will help start that conversation".

Whether kids will see the app as anything more than a fart noise generator remains to be seen...

-Via AnimalNY

I can see mischievous kids using this app to purposely select the food that causes the most "toxic" farts, to annoy those around them later on. :)
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