Cheese and Onion Chocolate Bars are a Hit

A limited edition run of Tayto chocolate bars with cheese and onion inside sold out quickly in Ireland, but 24 of the bars are going to Australians -thousands of whom entered a raffle for a chance to eat one!

The bars are made from the famous Irish Tayto cheese and onion crisps mixed with Irish chocolate - all in one bar.

A winning combination or a controversial mix? The jury is out but the response has been overwhelming.

Taste Ireland CEO Eamon Eastwood is the holder of the elusive chocolate bars and decided to raffle them off in a Facebook campaign.

"I couldn't believe the reaction, it went off the richter scale with almost half a million impressions," said Mr Eastwood.

The last five bars were given away Friday. Link -via Arbroath

If you didn't get one, you can make your own. Link

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