Toaster Toasts V-Shaped Toast

Zlil Lazarovich has solved a specific problem that you may not even be aware of. Let's say that you want to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on one folded slice of toasted bread. How can you do this with a piece of bread that has been toasted flat? With the Toaster & Knife! This gadget toasts bread in a V-shape.

Now, the next problem for the peanut butter and jelly sandwich perfectionist: icky cross-contamination from using one knife to apply both peanut butter and jelly to the toast. Now, with the double-headed spreader, you can keep both ingredient reservoirs clean and tidy.

Link -via Foodiggity

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It's a personal choice, really. I always thought the Boomaknives were a little better made than the Knifearangs.

I used to use them in my old knife-throwing act back at the circus. They said I was crazy and they fired me. I blamed them for a long time, but looking back I realize now I actually stabbed myself in the back.
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