Cyanide & Happiness Presents Growing Up

Even though I'm enjoying every minute of my son's infanthood I also can't wait to watch him grow up and become an awesome little kid, and I hope I live long enough to watch him grow old and gray...but I probably won't because of my poor diet and lack of the booze ain't helpin...*sniff* I miss him already! (NSFW)

(YouTube Link)

This Cyanide & Happiness short has stirred up all kinds of feelings inside me, so if you'll excuse me I need to go hug and kiss my son!

Funny, but... Honestly, if you are going to measure your child's height, get a sturdy meter stick for the marks and dates. Chances are that you're going to either move or remodel during those years. When I moved house, I transferred all the marks to a measuring stick. Now we have more marks in the newer house, and they are taller than the stick! Someone should market a 6-foot stick just for that purpose.
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