Vader's Got Jokes

As you might have suspected, the most famous father figure in the galaxy is full of Dad jokes. In this video from Nerdist, Darth Vader delivers all the one-liners he wish he could've done in the original movies.

(YouTube link)

And the bad puns just keep coming, one right after another. Stop groaning, or you'll miss one! -via Geeks Are Sexy

Vader made one pun in Rogue One, and people have gone barking mad. They say its out of character. Why would it be? I must admit I have not watched eps 2-3 so I don't know much about Anakin's background.

But is it much of a stretch to have him choke out a pun once in a while? Even Palpatine has his moments of levity. And his grandson Kylo Ren. That guy's a barrel of laughs, especially on Undercover Boss (it's canon, right?).
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