Hogwarts Versus Real High School

We all know Hogwarts has very little in common with the average high school, but when the differences between the two are spelled out for you Muggle life pales by comparison.

High school students are picked on, sorted into dozens of cliques and stereotyped according to their differences and style of dress by their fellow students.

Meanwhile at Hogwarts students are required to dress the same, but they're only sorted into four different cliques, so that's different.

Oh, and every meal at Hogwarts is a mouth-watering feast, while high schoolers wash down bread with cartons of milk.

But there are some similarities between Hogwarts and Muggle high school- students get bullied in both places, and jocks tend to rule the school.

George Rottkamp drew up this magical side-by-side comparison comic strip for Dorkly so we can all see what we missed by attending our simple Muggle schools. 

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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