11 Great BB-8 Cosplays

BB-8, the adorable droid star of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens has rolled into our hearts. He's smart, handy, and, above all, cute. So he's naturally inspired many Star Wars fans to create costumes of him. Here are some of the best, including this elegant corset-centered outfit which includes a motorized hat by Lady Death Star.

(Photo: David Ngo)

Starfighter pilot Poe Dameron finally found BB-8. But he found her at Katsucon, not Jakku.

(Photo: David Ngo)

BB-8's unique rolling ball body reminds a lot of people of roller skating. So The Force Awakens becomes a giant roller derby, starring two famous rolling droids.

But remember that BB-8 is a little droid. Here's a 1:1 scale model that rolled past the We Love Fine booth at C2E2 in Chicago.

(Photo: Fruitless Pursuits)

A baby bump is a natural BB-8, so artist Emily Rose painted one on cosplayer Lady Jaded.

Need a more durable Baby-8--er, BB-8--built to withstand the harsh conditions on Jakku? Imgur member jmsmith7's wife was ready with this pregnancy costume.

Cosplayer Irina Pirozhnikova says that this is just the start. She hopes to turn this painted skirt, bracers, and top into a full costume.

(Photo: David Ngo)

Yes, BB-8 has a round body. But he's also ripped from long hours at the gym.

Cooper the Poodle loves The Force Awakens. His fur blends in neatly with the sands of Jakku.

Baby BB-8 knows that the fate of the galaxy is riding on her mission. This is stressful.

(Photo: smuggymcsmuggleson)

It's okay, BB-8. You can trust Rey. She'll be your hero.

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