I Don't Wanna Marry Until I Have a Job First

(YouTube link)

This little girl has the right idea. Like I always tell my daughters, be able to take care of yourself, so you can marry for love instead of support. However, this five-year-old has an even better reason, which you'll find at the end of the video. -via The Daily What

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This photo is not a fake. The three people standing in the middle are my step-mom, little sis, and my dad. They were heading off to grab something to eat when somebody stopped them for a photo. Several more flashes went off when suddenly Shatner came up behind the group to peak his head into the shot. My family, "Data", and "Female Khan" had no idea what was happening until Shatner walked around to the front of the group. It was an amazing moment for them.
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If you go to Flickr and look at Rachel McCauley's other pics after Shatner did this you can tell it's not fake. Just look at how the cosplayers reacted!
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The whole photo series is great, and really capture the moment.

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