If you saw a large and sometimes dangerous animal fall through the ice into a freezing lake, would you know what to do? Lucky for this moose, a group of loggers who saw her break through the ice knew exactly what to do. They couldn't lift her, because that would require a crane. Even a relatively small moose will weigh several hundred pounds. But they could encourage her to move in the right direction by cutting the ice just so. Yeah, this brings up the danger of one or more of the men falling through the ice, too, but apparently they knew just how far they could go. If any of them actually got wet, they didn't release any evidence. The marvelous moose maneuver saved the day, and the moose cow walked away with the advice to make and fire a get warmed up. There's no report of whether that happened, but the campfire story she would have brought to such an event would surely impress the other moose.
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