Hachiogi Cemetery is in Hachioji, a municipality on the far west side of Tokyo. Like many public places in Japan, it has a public phone in a glass booth available to anyone who needs it, at the edge of the cemetery on Miyama-dori Avenue. But the Hachioji Cemetery Phone Booth is famous for being haunted.
Those who use the phone booth are said to be surprised by a woman suddenly in the booth with them. Or they pick up the phone and hear a woman moaning sorrowfully. Or they are led to the phone booth by a mysterious child who suddenly appears with the woman. However this apparition manifests itself, one is advised to leave the booth immediately and do not look back. Or else what? That part isn't explained all that well. Maybe we haven't heard from anyone who did look back. Survivor's bias, you know. Read more about this haunted phone booth at the Ghost in My Machine. -via Strange Company
(Image credit: Google Street View)
Oh, so just like every New York phone booth, then?
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