In my lifetime, we have gone from zero people ever having been in space (as defined as 50 miles above the earth) to more than 700 people who have been up there. Who are these people? Scientific American crunched the numbers to give us some neat visualizations about space travelers. The graphic above is the latter portion of the chart that tracks the ages of people who have gone to space. When the NASA astronaut program began, all astronauts were military test pilots and those who went to space in 1961 had a median age of 30. In 2024 that median age is 50, and the age spread for flights in 2020, the beginning of space tourism, went from 18-year-old Oliver Daemon to 90-year-old William Shatner. The outlier on the left half above is when 77-year-old John Glenn returned to space in 1998.
Other graphics show us what countries astronauts came from and how they've diversified over time. Then there's a chart of every space traveler with their background, mission type, duration in space, and other information. It's fascinating to get into the details and see how space travelers have changed over time. Check it all out here. -via Metafilter
(Image credit: Zane Wolf)