Why You Should Get Off the Couch and Walk

If you aren't an athlete, even if you consider yourself the picture of health, your doctor will inevitably tell you that you should get more exercise. However, the thought of joining a gym, buying exercise equipment, or counting 10,000 steps a day seems like a lot of work, and such lofty goals are liable to set you up for failure. Instead, your goal should be to incorporate walking into your daily routine until it becomes a part of your normal lifestyle. Any increase in walking will benefit your body over time. One short stroll around the neighborhood will make you feel good, and may lead to two strolls around the neighborhood.

Walking around the neighborhood has benefits beyond health, too. It gives you the chance to speak to your neighbors, meet all the dogs and cats, and admire (or judge) the houses in your area. Walking alone gives you a chance to think, and walking with a companion is a great opportunity for conversation. This TED-Ed video goes into more detail on the importance of walking just a little more than you walk now.  

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Walking is very good for mental health, it's a change of scenery, you hopefully have sunshine and fresh air, and it gets you away from distractions at home. I also like to park way out in parking lots not only to avoid door dings but also get some extra walking in.
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My wife uses an app to count steps. We live in Sweden, within walking distance of stores and schools, or we take mass transit. About 15 months ago she went back to the US for her mother's 60th birthday. Her step counts for that week were a small fraction of normal, as even when she wanted to walk, it just wasn't possible.
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I did a lot of hiking during this Christmas break. I'm in good shape for my age, what with karate, weightlifting, and running. But the long hikes were surprisingly challenging.
I should walk more.
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