F-Zero Superfans Recreate Lost Game Using VHS Recording

How far will you go to restore something that has been lost through time? A few superfans of the old Nintendo racing game F-Zero have searched high and low for anyone who may possess the ROMs and/or data from the SNES add-on of the original F-Zero game. And here's the story of how they successfully recreated the game.

In the mid '90s, Nintendo offered a satellite modem peripheral that could be attached at the bottom of the SNES so that players can download games and other content through the burgeoning satellite broadcast connection, for which Nintendo partnered up with St. GIGA.

One of the games that was offered through the Satellaview service was a couple of supposed sequels to the F-Zero series titled F-Zero Grand Prix I and II. Broadcasts for BS F-Zero Grand Prix survived and have been uploaded to the internet. However, Grand Prix II was not so fortunate.

So, a programmer named Guy Perfect decided to launch a project that would recreate these games, but they needed data for the Grand Prix II broadcast. The community on Reddit even offered anyone $5,000 if they were able to provide them with any kind of data of that Soundlink event broadcast.

In 2018, they got it. Youtube user kukun kun uploaded recordings of all the Soundlink broadcasts of F-Zero, including the ones from the second Soundlink event which showed the Grand Prix II game.

From these, Guy Perfect, along with Porthor and Power Panda, were able to recreate the game's graphics, courses, and program to come up with a playable mod of Grand Prix I and II. That mod is called the BS F-Zero Deluxe and can be downloaded from Archive.org. It can be played using an emulator or the original SNES. - via MetaFilter

(Video credit: DidYouKnowGaming/Youtube)

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