Archive for December 19th, 2019

This Man Almost Sneaks His Pet Opossum On Plane

<p>Gerald Tautenhahn was kicked off his return flight to Texas with JetBlue airlines because his pet opossum, Zatara, was refused to board the plane. This left Tautenhahn frustrated, as they were able to fl...

Monk Chants Regrets of People Not Able To Take Paid-Time-Off

<p>This week in Osaka: a chanting monk surrounded by 300 lanterns in a dark ceremony hall. What he was chanting, however, were not Buddhist scriptures, but regrets and remorse of individuals who were not ab...

Vampires Live Among Us, Professor Claims

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">There might be a vampire living near you, or at least, that’s what Louisiana State University academic researcher John Edgar Browning claims! Acco...

Here’s How We Can Employ Self-Promotion In Our Lives

<p><span style="color: rgb(58, 58, 58);">There are situations where simple self-promotion can put us into opportunities that can better our lives. There are also times that we can talk about...

Here’s The Christmas Gift That Prince Charles Did Not Like At All

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">The British royal family give memorable gifts, from leather toilet seat covers to an actual grow-your-own-girlfriend kit (for Prince Harry). Princess Di...

‘Ghosting’ Employers At Work

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Picture this: you’re an employer seeking a new hire, and after several interviews you find one candidate that stand...

Hubble Telescope Reveals Galactic Bulge of Stars

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">On Monday, the </span><a href="" target="_blank" style="b...

App Uses Answer Bots to Thwart Pesky Spammers

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Robocall is another term for those unwanted and often repetitive auto-dialed calls that are typically a </span><...

Fascinating Facts About the Octopus

Want to learn cool facts about the octopus is less than 4 minutes? On this episode of National Geographic’s informative series called 101 Videos, we’re presented with bite-sized information along with captiva...

This Couple Takes The Ultimate Christmas Photos

It is perhaps a usual thing for a family to take memorable pictures on Christmas time. But is it possible to make these pictures even more memorable? Mike and Laura Bergeron show us the way with their ultimate Christmas...

A Photobomb That Made Things Better

This is the most Indian photo bomb 😂— Tim Kimber (@Tim_Kimber) December 1, 2019 <p>British journalist Tom Brook was filming an episode for his monthly film review progra...

A Film About The Secret World Beneath Us

<p>Found beneath the earth, unseen by the eyes of men, is <a href="" target="_blank">a world “full o...

Meet The Ice Urn

<p><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(58, 58, 58);">An eco-friendly urn that uses ice to slowly dissolve and release cremated remains has been created by American...

Growing Food Right On Our Backs Through This Wearable Vest

<p>Soil depletion, floods, and drought. These are some of the things that could threaten our food production and lessen our chances of survival, USC Architecture assistant professor Aroussiak Gabrielian say...

Why Do People Rely On Tarot Cards These Days?

<p>Tarot card readings are all over the Internet recently, such as Twitter threads of daily tarot card readings. Some people wait and rely on these threads for understanding their lives, even if there&rsquo...

The New Material That Can Capture Carbon Dioxide

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Two UC Berkeley professors co-authored a study that reportedly&nbsp;</span></p><blockquote><em s...

After 90 Years, the ‘Flying Santa’ Is Still Dropping Gifts From a Plane

Life could be lonely for lighthouse keepers along the New England coast. They lived on tiny islands or spits of land, sometimes with their families, and only got supply drops about once a month or so. How could one get C...

An Honest Trailer for Galaxy Quest

The 1999 movie Galaxy Quest combined comedy, action, and science fiction. Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, and Alan Rickman are actors starring in a sci-fi TV show similar to Star Trek, fandom and all. But...

Can We Truly Get Rid of Plastic Once and For All?

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Non-biodegradable plastics are cheap, easily manufactured, and useful for food preservation and packaging, but its negati...

The 40 Best Christmas Television Episodes

Everyone remembers their favorite Christmas episode from their favorite TV series, but you haven't seen all the best ones. Check out Mental Floss's picks for the 40 best Christmas episodes ever. As you can guess...

Greetings from Pioneer Camp, Soviet Russia

When you think of "Soviet camp," you probably envision the Gulag system, where Stalin sentenced millions of political prisoners to work camps as punishment. But there were also summer camps for kids, called Pioneer camps...

Kickstarting The Christmas Season With A Four-Ton Cake

<p>It’s a windy winter morning in Dresden, Germany, and crowds of people have gathered in front of the city’s Kulturpalast concert hall. Snowy-white wisps can be seen to be blowing onto the crow...

The 50 Worst Passwords of the Year

<p>Account security is something I worry about all the time, and I don’t understand how people can take it for granted and put a really predictable password on their accounts.</p><p>Splash...

The Ultimate Star Wars House is on Airbnb

If you were to plan the ultimate vacation to Disney World's new Star Wars theme park Galaxy's Edge, you may as well stay in the ultimate accommodations. The house called Twelve Parsecs by Loma Homes in Orlando i...

TIE Fighter Stained Glass Lamp

<p>Etsy seller VGFantasy, who lives in Russia, offers <a href="" target="_blank">this agile spacecraft...

A Googly-Eyed Autonomous Robot

<p>This year, Badger Technologies has deployed 500 autonomous robots in the US. <a href="

The Far Side is Back

Gary Larson’s The Far Side comic finally has an official website #TheFarSide #GaryLarson— GEEKSPIN (@geekspinco) December 18, 2019 Gary Larson's comic T...

Fat Fred

Imgur member KneeAppallingTanIceCream was just passing by a veterinary clinic and noticed this series of signs. Who wouldn't be curious after seeing that? Unfortunately, the clinic was closed at the time. However, Fred w...

Canine Cognition: Unlocking Dog Behavior

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Canine cognition is a relatively new field of study otherwise known as psychology for dogs. Leading ‘dog psychologi...

Evolution of the Smartphone Throughout the Decade

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">We are nearing the end of another decade marked by a flux of mobile technology breakthroughs and mishaps, having come so...


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