Archive for November 5th, 2019

Crash Box Japan Lets You Go Full Rage Mode

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Japan finally catches up to the trend of rage rooms, where people pay to smash things up, with the launch of the Crash Box Japan, the first rage room in...

A.I. Is Taking Our Games

During a livestream on YouTube and Twitch last January, professional StarCraft II player Grzegorz “MaNa” Komincz from Poland showed everyone what humans are capable of when he defeated a multi-million-dollar...

Hacking Just Got Deadlier

<p>This time, hackers can now use lasers to hack any computer that receives voice commands.</p><p>In the spring of 2018, Takeshi Sugawara, a cybersecurity researcher, walked into the lab of the...

Conspiracy Theories and Human Survival

<p>April 15, 2019. It was a sorrowful day for the world, as the Notre Dame was engulfed in flames. “I feel sad tonight to see this part of us burn,” said French president Emmanuel Macron in a tw...

Into The World of Plants Hidden From Human View

<p>Have you ever gone to a forest? What did you notice upon going there? The thick trunks? The canopy? The artfully protruding roots? The fallen leaves? These are indeed, some beautiful things that you can...

How Shall We View The Fact That We’re Doomed?

<p>On April 9, the executive director of the International Energy Agency, Faith Birol, went up on stage at a conference hall in Berlin filled with people. It was the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD)...

10 Facts About Your Favorite Thanksgiving Foods

Thanksgiving Day is only three weeks away, so it's time to look for sales on frozen turkey and plan your menu for the Thanksgiving feast. You'll probably make (or just eat) the same traditional foods your family has alwa...

This LEGO Vending Machine Dispenses Chocolate Bars For Trick-Or-Treat

Jason Allemann decided to create an amazing surprise for kids for their trick-or-treat by programming a LEGO vending machine for chocolates. He also coded in a 2-second delay to prevent button mashing from causing proble...

Can Alcohol Make You More Social?

<p>Back in 2012, no fewer than nine researchers conducted a psychological study. In this study, they discovered that drinking alcohol can be fun. But we might be sneering at their discovery, and respond wit...

Spending Money In a Scientific and More Effective Way

When Gerald Muswagon won $10 million playing in the lottery, he bought cars, threw lavish parties, showered gifts on his friends, and invested in a logging business. But then the business flopped, and the alcohol and dru...

Matching The Punchline To The Terrible Joke: A Quiz

<p>Get ready to groan and sigh a lot, as you face a barrage of pun-tastic, corny jokes on this 20-item quiz. Can you match the punchline to the proper joke?</p><p>I got 19 out of 20 on my first...

Dog Dressed As Harry Potter Rides His Roomba Vacuum Broom For The First Time

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Who doesn’t love animals dressed as popular fiction characters? Meet Potter the Pomsky, a dog named after Harry Potter. Watch the Siberian Husky a...

This Is Why Spending Time Near The Water Is Good For You

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">People nowadays love to get away from the stress and hustle of the city, and head towards rural cities, gardens, or the sea just to unwind. The green lu...

Music Lessons Linked To Being Smarter?

In 2004 a paper titled “Music Lessons Enhance IQ” appeared in the journal Psychological Science. The paper was authored by author, composer and University of Toronto Mississauga psychologist Glenn Schellenber...

Arcade Game Typography And The History Of Pixelated Fonts

<p>Toshi Omagari who works at Monotype UK recently published a book documenting the typography history of arcade games during the 1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s. </p><blockquote><em style=&...

L. Frank Baum's Home Site Gets a Yellow Brick Road

<p>How to do you get to the Wonderful Wizard of Oz? Follow the now yellow brick road to the site where L. Frank Baum's home once lay.</p><p><a href="

An Honest Trailer for The Lion King (2019)

The photorealistic CGI version of The Lion King did not quite connect with audiences. Screen Junkies explains exactly why in this Honest Trailer, as if you didn't already know. Still, they found plenty of other...

The Waterloopbos

About 26% of the Netherlands lies below sea level. How does that work? The Dutch needed the land, so they figured out how to reclaim it from the ocean. They built dikes, for sure, but there is a lot of world-class engine...

What Do Cats Do When It’s Cold?

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">The simplest answer would be: find another cat to cuddle with and share body warmth. Watch as a cat moves from huddling one cat friend to other to sleep...

A 10-Inch Tall, Fully Functional Airpod

<p>Do your AirPods keep falling out? Jam this one in and you'll never have to worry about that problem again.</p><p>Redditor Master_Aar made <a href="

Experimental 4-Day Workweek Boosted Workers' Productivity By 40%

Embed from Getty ImagesThis past summer, workers at Microsoft Japan were able to take Fridays off without losing any pay. The company announced that productivity went up 40% during that period. The company will run the...

How Small a Space Can an Octopus Pass Through?

Remember the experiment mugumogu did to see how small a hole Maru and Hana could get through? Octopuses are even more fluid than cats- the only rigid part of its body is the beak. How small a hole can an octopus squeeze...

A 33-Year-Old Artist Has Been Collecting The Beatles' White Albums For Years

Rutherford Chang, a 33-year-old artist has been collecting the Beatles’ iconic White Album for years. Over the next 45 years, each album acquired history – some were loved, some were discarded, some were sold...

Should You Cook Pasta In Cold Water?

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Twitter user @drive45music unknowingly started a pasta debate when he tweeted that his girlfriend makes pasta by adding uncooked pasta to cold water and...

The Size of Space

The Size of Space is an interactive site by Neal Agarwal that takes us through the relative size of heavenly bodies from an astronaut to the observable universe. Considering some of the objects that fall in between, we c...

The Lightest Light Dessert

Food design studio Bompas & Parr has produced a meringue that is so light and airy that a serving weighs only one gram. The designers consulted with the makers of Aerogel in Germany to turn egg whites into air and fl...

Bloodhound Surpasses 450 MPH Speed Target

<p>Is it a bird? No.</p><p>Is it a plane? Definitely not.</p><p>It’s just the Bloodhound LSR surpassing its 450 mph speed target and came close with its current target of 500 m...

Skeletal Table

<p>I can appreciate Simon Fearnhamm's morbid sense of humor. This piece is titled "Full Throttle." Although it's only one of two items currently on sale in <a href="

Jennifer Murphy's Nature Collages

<p><a href="" target="_blank">Jennifer Murphy</a>, a collage artist in Toronto, is exhibiting a collection of...

Jonathan Higbee's Photographic Coincidences

<p>There's always so much going on in New York City--so many intersecting people and places--that there are a lot of coincidental juxtapositions. Photographer <a href="https://www.jonathanhigbe...


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