An e-bandage that uses electricity to heal wounds fast!

Image credit: American Chemical Society

The human body has an amazing ability to heal in case of an injury but there are instances when certain factors interfere with the healing process and the inevitable results are pain, infection, ulcers and scars. However, scientists have developed a new type of e-bandage having therapeutic properties that wouldn’t just protect the wounds on the skin but would also help in healing them faster. This self-powered bandage uses the skin’s own movements into creating a magnetic field that helps the wounded skin heal in as early as 3 days. So far, this e-bandage has been successfully tested on lab rats and one can be hopeful that this promising medical product would soon become widely available for our use. More at Science Direct.

The article says it generates an electric field, which is quite different from a magnetic field. It would be easy to generate a static magnetic field from just permanent magnets (something more often in the realm of quack medicine though...). A lot of biochemistry and cell mechanics depend on electric fields, whereas use of magnetism in biology is a lot rarer.
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