ChebuRussiaTV recently set up an experiment using a hidden camera placed on a man who would be posing as half of a gay couple, walking hand-in-hand with another man through Russian city streets. As expected, Russia's well-known anti-gay sentiment manifested in a number of ways; mainly profanity and physical roughousing such as pushing and shoving. English subtitles give one an idea of the hate that openly gay Russians face every day. Via Design Taxi
Not sure why you feel that addressing more than one issue at a time has anything to do with "fix stuff" fairy dust. I think you're saying that you can't fix anything until you fix those items on the list that you consider basic, so addressing any other issues is just wishful thinking. You may have a (cynical) point, but why not address these things? Otherwise, marginalized people will continue to be oppressed and die in silence. That's no solution.
Is there a giant To Do list of things that need to fixed with countries, and only one issue can be addressed at a time? Or is stopping homophobia and anti-Semitism a "luxury" cause? Maybe the USA should have delayed the civil rights movement until the economy improved?