Archive for May 24th, 2015

10 Ways Big Cats and Domestic Cats Are Similar

Cole and Marmalade teamed up with Big Cat Rescue to illustrate the many ways house cats and big cats are alike.[] (YouTube link)However, big cats need bigger diets, bigger prey, and bigger ter...

Lady Justice - Will You Heed The Canary's Call?

Lady Justice by ArtOfCoreyCourtsWhen you hear the chirping of a canary it tends to make you think of love, peace and nature, but when Dinah hears the canary cry she thinks only of justice. She may look like a bit of a s...

15 of the Coolest Themed Bars in America

The Lovecraft Bar, Portland | ImageWith so many bars and nightclubs located in our myriad great cities here in the U. S., and the incredible competition for patrons between establishments, owners have to work sm...

Clerk Provides Funny Commentary For That One Time She Was Held At Gunpoint

(Image Link)Armed robberies are no laughing matter, and if someone is desperate or reckless enough to walk in to a store and steal cash at gunpoint they’re probably not going to appreciate you laughing at their eff...

Parents Share The Most Inappropriate Thing Their Kids Ever Did

Image: Flickr: bevgoodwin / Creative CommonsWhen it comes to a topic such as children saying things and behaving in ways that are inappropriate, the article simply writes itself. So BuzzFeed found when...

Bohemian Rhapsody on Fairground Organ

This organ is 110 years old, but with new programming (on paper strips), it can play the relatively modern "Bohemian Rhapsody" in a uniquely majestic way.[] (YouTube link)The instrument is a M...

Meet Patrick, The Proctology Simulation Dummy

Proctologists are one of the most misunderstood and underrated specialists in the medical game, and yet (according to Kramer) they’re the life of the party.Their career path has taken them straight to the backside...

Riker: Episode One

What if Commander William Riker got his own spinoff show after Star Trek: The Next Generation? It might go something like this fan edit that puts Number One in the star position. It’s the beginning of what...

John Nash, Subject of A Beautiful Mind, Killed In Taxi Crash

Image: John O'BoylePrinceton University mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr., played by Russell Crowe as the subject of the film A Beautiful Mind, and his wife of nearly 60 years died Saturday i...

Stretch Limo Scooter

This glorious custom scooter is precisely the ride that I want. It's beautifully painted, including alll along the elongated trunk. The very low ground clearance gives it a lowrider's elegance. It could be improved only...

A Toddler and his First Friend

[] (YouTube link)When you are two years old, there’s nothing more impressive than a big truck that comes to your house. And this one comes every week! Little Deacon Ross looked forward t...

Atheist Arya Stark Is The New Face Of Fantasy Disenchantment

Arya Stark has been through a lot in her young life, and while some may turn to faith after witnessing their father’s death and watching their family torn asunder by those vying for the Iron Throne, Anya has chosen...

Out Of Baby Ruth! - A Minion Unlike Any Other

Out Of Baby Ruth! by MannArtGive a minion a movie and you're asking for some animated trouble, but give them the Goonies and you've got a full scale underground adventure on your hands! Two factions quickly formed after...

Redneck Avengers: Tulsa Nights

[] (YouTube link)Our friends at Bad Lip Reading took a perfectly normal group of superheroes -The Avengers- and put them into a redneck reality TV show world in this horrible lip reading video...

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