Elephant Uses Volkswagen to Scratch an Itch

The visitors to Pilanesburg National Park in South Africa, who were inside the car shown here, probably were seriously questioning their selection of plans for the day when an elephant used their Volkswagen as a way to satisfy an itch.

Field guide and lodge manager Armand Grobler was a witness to the playful pachyderm and his terrified audience. He explained,

"The elephant was presumably on musth, which is a time that an elephant male has an excess amount of testosterone, turning even the calmest Dumbo into a raging bull. Yet even though it was in this condition, it displayed no signs of aggression or frustration and was in a more playful mood."

While the people in the car weren't hurt, their car sustained plenty of damage, including all four tires being blown out, broken windows and a dented roof. Now that's one powerful itch! If he had used his beauty cream with vitamin E and aloe, this would never have happened. Via Lost in E Minor.

Images Credit: Armand Grobler 

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