Archive for August 8th, 2014

This Cocker Spaniel Named Joe Cocker is One Persistent Pup

[]YouTube LinkMeet crafty cocker spaniel Joe Cocker, who reminds me of my own counter-hijacking, cocker spaniel mix dog. From what I can gath...

Ice Cream-Filled Donuts

(Photo: Baker's Donuts)Baker's Donuts is a bakery in Sacramento, California. Susie and Randy Hem, the owners, call their latest treat "ice glazers." It's an adaptation of a simple treat that she used to make for her chil...

The DOS and DO NOTS of Running Your First Marathon

Matthew Inman at The Oatmeal has a nice little primer on some things you might not know about marathons, in case you’re trying it for the first time, like the dangers of not pinning your summer on securely, or how...

Furniture for Cats

Top: Cat Tunnel Sofa by Seungji MunBottom: Cat burger bed by Petz RouteDoes your cat give you so many cute apathetic glances, outright glares, and hisses prior to walking away that you'd like...

Why Nerdy White Guys Who Love the Blues Are Obsessed With a Wisconsin Chair Factory

That’s a long and weird title, and the answer is: 78 rpm records. Then there’s a rather involved story to connect all the pieces. Music critic and reporter Amanda Petrusich explains what a chair factory has t...

This Man Wants to Be Buried in a Jack Daniel's Bottle Coffin

(Photo:‘I didn’t want a normal funeral and it had to be a celebration of life because I have been to too many funerals where they were very sad occasions,’ he explained. ‘I wanted someth...

Enter Pyongyang

[] (vimeo link)We’ve seen plenty of time-lapse videos of major cities, and they are all beautiful, each with their own flavor. But Pyongyang, North Korea, is a major metropolis that few of...

African Pygmy Hedgehoglets Born At Oregon Zoo

Oregon Zoo's African pygmy hedgehog couple Hakuna Matata and Barundi welcomed a litter of five hoglets in early July. The tiny babies weigh just a tenth of a pound, and their sex is yet to be determined. As cute as hedge...

Dog Confused: Where Did the Cracker Go?

Beau the golden retriever eventually figured it out. But for a moment, as the cracker lay in his blind spot, he had that universal experience of reality not functioning as it should.-via Huffington Postdogs...

The Ten Biggest Dinosaur Mysteries We Have Yet to Solve

Paleontologists continue to find dinosaur fossils and reconstruct what kinds of animals they were. In just the last decade, our idea of dinos resembling large lizards has changed to a vision of colorful, feathered beasts...

Little Boy Has Adorable Reaction to a Butterfly Landing on His Nose

At first it's horror, then it's delight. This little boy wants to help his insect friend fly away and be free. The butterfly says goodbye with a kiss on his nose before flitting away.[

40 Famous Actors Auditioning for Roles

[]YouTube LinkThis entertaining compilation video features 40 well-known actors auditioning for roles — many of them before they hit the big time. Some of their efforts a...

Business Cat Spots a Keyboard

It’s hard enough working on a computer in an environment that has cats (I know). It’s even harder when your boss is a cat. Not only is he annoying and self-centered, he also has the authority to fire you. Thi...

Kim Jong-Un Visits Lube Factory, Photoshop Battle Commences

Kim Jong-Un is apparently quite easy to entertain, and he was all smiles and eyes full of wonder when he visited the Chonji Lubricant Factory and got to watch machines squirt out piles of lubricant:(Image Via Telegraph)T...

Red Panda Wrestling Match

[] (YouTube link)We don’t know where this was recorded, but we know that any time you have two red pandas, you have something cute. Even if it’s a wrestling match. I’d keep sc...

Somewhere, A Baker Is Wondering What Happened to His Day's Work

(Eugen Erhan, Tudor Muscalu/Fredo & Pid'Jin)Sure, he could have just produced the fish and loaves ex nihilo, but wouldn't it be easier to just pick them up somewhere? It's a divine take-out order.Bon...

A Hutt's Gotta Be A Hutt

There are plenty of beings across the galaxy that could stand to lose a bit of weight, but Hutts just don't look right without their signature slug-like gut.Hutt weight loss is also liable to render them vulnerable to bl...

The Secret Rules of Adjective Order

If I called someone a little old lady, you’d probably ask if she was from Pasadena. If I called someone an old little lady, you’d lose track of the conversation, because that just doesn’t sound right at...

Lions Go Off Script During Video Shoot

[]YouTube LinkPerhaps sensing that World Lion Day is coming up on August 10th, lions Tau and Napoleon decided to speak up when their trainer, "lion wh...

40 Not Famous People Who Look Like Famous Celebrity People

Everybody has a doppelganger out there somewhere, a physical look-alike that may or may not be a famous Hollywood celebrity type person.These doppelgangled people come from every walk of life, from celeb magazine readers...

Reindeer Traffic Jam

[] (YouTube link)Reindeer don’t care if you’re late for work, the pavement is just a fancy path for them. A herd of reindeer causes traffic stoppages in Finland. If anyone in your o...

Doctors Find a Tooth Growing inside a Man's Nose

(Photo: Dr. Hamed O. Al Dhafeeri, et al.)A 22-year old man in Saudi Arabia had recurring nosebleeds from one nostril. He went to a hospital to find out why. Doctors stuck a camera up his nose and found the source of the...

I Need This Parenting Multi-Tool

Charlie and Andy of How to Be a Dad have designed the ultimate parental multi-tool.There are multi-tools and pocket knives for different purposes and lifestyles, such as outdoor survival, electrical work...

15 Tables That We'd Love to Eat Dinner On

One of the most important pieces of furniture in a home is the dining table. This is where families enjoy dinner together, where dinner parties occur, where birthday candles are blown out and more. So this week at Homes...

10 of History's Most Power-Hungry Cats

While everyone else was napping, these ambitious housecats set their sights on Senate seats, space exploration, and world domination. 1. The Cat That Started an International IncidentWhile serving as U.S. ambas...

Brawl in the Ukrainian Parliament Neatly Illustrates the Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio or Fibonacci numbers is a sequence of numbers consisting of the sum of the two previous numbers. It is found in nature and has long been a standard of beauty in Western art and architecture.Now behold th...

Hognose Snake Playing 'Possum

[] YouTube LinkTypical behavior of the hognose snake is to play dead when threatened. Knowing this, two men encountered this snake and tested its resol...

11-Year Old Cancer Survivor Invents a Chemotherapy Bag

When she was 8 years old, Kylie Simonds of Naugatuck, Connecticut was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the connective tissues. She is now in remission and recovering from the ordeal. Kylie is also putting her...

New Exercise Gadget Promises a Perfect Smile

Turn that frown upside down with the Facial Fitness Pao, an exercise device from Japan. All you have to do is stick it in your mouth and shake it for, oh, let’s say a couple hours a day, and you’ll have a mus...

Weird Government Mascots

Smokey the Bear, the U.S. Forest Service mascot, was born on August 9, 1944. In honor of Smokey’s 70th birthday, the Washington Post dug up some other, less memorable government mascots you may or may not remember....

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