Cat Countries and Dog Countries

Although people love both dogs and cats, when you take statistics into account, some countries lean more toward dogs, while others lean more toward cats. A glance at this map compiled with statistics from Euromonitor tells us what we already knew: the U.S. and Russia love cats. Which of the United States are cat states and which are dog states? As a rule, Americans love both dogs and cats, and many households have both.

Here in the U.S., slightly more households own dogs than own cats. But Euromonitor’s numbers show that in terms of raw population, cats outnumber dogs to the tune of 2 million (the number is closer to 4 million, by the American Veterinary Medical Association's estimate). Why? One simple explanation is that cats are more compact. You can fit more cats in a house than you can, say, golden retrievers.

Like I always knew, once you have a cat, you'll want another. Besides, two cats keep each other from being lonely, while two dogs can tear the house apart. The map above was compiled with data from the American Veterinary Medical Association. The Washington Post has the top dog states and top cats states ranked, and more information on how other countries like their pets. -via the Presurfer

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Funny, the stereotype I've always heard is that Chinese eat cats and Koreans eat dogs. Of course, that's regional, anecdotal, and doesn't happen enough to make a difference in the population of pets.
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I think there are more cats because people treat them as disposable pets. Moving? Leave your cat behind, it can fend for itself. Under the free section in the online classified ads, there are more free cats than old tv units and tatty armchairs combined. Oooh, our cat had kittens, isn't that adorable? Who wants one? We will just let our unspayed kitties wander the neighbourhood to poop in your flowerbeds and yowl under your bedroom window all night.
Now you may think I don't like cats, but I do, very much. It's irresponsible owners that annoy me. (oh yes, it applies to dog owners too, but to a lesser degree)
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