Archive for June 3rd, 2014

House LEGO

The Tumblr blog House LEGO has LEGO recreations of scenes from the TV show Game of Thrones. The blog began a year ago with mostly portraits of the characters in LEGO minifigs, but this year the...

The Beaches of Normandy, 70 Years Later

70 years ago this Friday, the free nations of the world launched the largest amphibious invasion in history on the beaches of northern France. To mark the occasion, CBC News took pictures of these beaches and the towns i...

Punching for Pancakes

[] (YouTube link)When you are a parent, you find yourself saying weird things that you never in your wildest dreams thought you’d ever say. That’s because children have no context,...

The New Guy at Work

(Jim Benton)Your job description includes the phrase "and other duties as assigned." I have bad news for you about what that entails. It's a lot more than just unpaid overtime.Jim Benton, cartoons, toile...

The Legend of the Devil Dog

Archeologists, digging in ruins of Leiston Abbey, Suffolk, UK, found the bones of dog buried 20 inches deep. The dog would have been around 200 pounds and could have been seven feet tall standing on its hind legs! It&rsq...

Dock under 22-Person Wedding Party Collapses

Every dream wedding features a major structural failure. Dan and Jackie Anderson, thankfully, got that experience when they got married at Crosslake, Minnesota last weekend.An hour before their wedding was planned to sta...

Han Solo vs. General Grievous

[] (YouTube link)Yes, we know those two never really meet because they are in different time periods in the Star Wars universe. You’ll have to put that aside for a minute (actual...

Darth Magritte - Use The Force...To Create Fine Art

Darth Magritte by BleeeEmbracing the dark side of life means letting your passions run free, and one of the dark lord's passions had always been fine art. He'd fancied himself a fairly good painter once upon a time, and...

Rise of the Machines

We’ve been talking about the machines taking over for quite some time, but what if it has already happened? No sudden coup by Skynet, no robots from outer space landing in our midst, just the slow, quiet underminin...

Ryland’s Story

[] (YouTube link)Jeff and Hillary Whittington welcomed their first baby, a girl they named Ryland, in 2007. Within a year they learned Ryland was deaf, so they arranged for a cochlear implant....

Alternate Concept Art Designs For Smaug From The Hobbit

Andrew Baker is one of the amazing concept artists who worked on Peter Jackson’s big screen adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, and he helped bring the greedy dragon Smaug to life through his...

Portable City

Beijing artist Yin Xiuzhen recycles discarded clothing into sculpture media. In the series “Portable City,” she uses clothing from a particular city to make a model of the city, set into a suitcase. The minia...

World's Number One Bowler Pulls Off Some Amazing Trick Shots

(Video Link)You may not consider bowling a valid sport, you may hate hitting the lanes alongside all those people wearing matching shoes, but once you’ve watched this video you’ll appreciate how c...

Puppy Drives Car into Pond

John Costello took his puppy, Rosie, for a walk near a pond in Canton, Massachusetts, on Sunday. The 12-week-old German shepherd excitedly jumped in the car as Costello started it up. Rosie jumped into the front seat, kn...

An Honest Game Trailer For Candy Crush Saga

(Video Link)Chances are you know someone who is addicted to the super syrupy puzzle game known as Candy Crush, a game every bit as addicting as its predecessors Bejeweled and Yoshi's Coo...

That Awkward Moment

Amanda Lopez posted what Vine is made for -six seconds that tell a complete story. He finally made the first move as he goes for the object of his desire. She responded appropriately -or did she? I&rsq...

Typographic Artist Finds A Fun Use For Discarded Coffee Cups

A clever typographic artist, with some serious Sharpie skills, by the name of Rob Draper has found a fun use for all those discarded paper cups found lying around your local coffee shop- he created a series of artworks c...

Chini the Dog and Her Human Life

The SurgeonChini the Chinese Crested dog has done everything! Here are her many professions and lifestyles photographed by Irina Werning. You may remember Werning's recreations of childhood photos with adults. Her latest...

Zombie Exit - Run Screaming This Way

Zombie Exit by BywayChances are you won't need a sign to direct you to the nearest exit when you have a slavering zombie on your heels, but a little reminder of which way to go never hurts. It's a good thing zombies can...

Fortune on Fortune

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.Published research reports by and/or about Fortunescompiled by Jessica Girard and Alice Shirrell Kaswell, Improbable Research staffHere...

A Northern Death Adder Demonstrates Caudal Luring

[](Video Link)This is the Northern Death Adder. As far as snake names go, that’s an excellent choice. It would suck to be a snake named the Sissy Adder, the Wimp Viper, o...

Dead or Just Meditating?

A Hindu spiritual leader has his followers battling his family over whether he is dead or not. The fact that his body has been in a commercial freezer for months may be a clue, but his adherents say that’s nothing...

Google Maps Lets You Select "Dragon" as Mode of Transport

If you ask Google Maps to give you directions from Snowdon to Brecon Beacons in Wales, it'll estimate travel times whether you are traveling by car, bus, on foot, plane, bicycle, or dragon.If you select...

TV's Greatest Catchphrases

[] (YouTube link)Tastefully Offensive produced this supercut of nostalgia-inducing catchphrases from TV shows going back decades. Many of them have a setup, allowing you to see exactly what&rsq...

Beautiful Skulls Carved and Painted into Mother-of-Pearl

Gregory Halili, an artist in New Jersey, was born in the Philippines. He remains captivated by the natural environment of that country. Among other projects, Halili carves and paints bas-relief images of skulls i...

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