Archive for May 4th, 2014

Women And Children Who Look Like Michael Cera

(Image Via Imgur and Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)(Images Via Imgur and Jerod Harris)(Image Via Imgur)Comedic actor Michael Cera has a very familiar face, and he has stated in interviews that he gets mistaken for ot...

Study: Kissing Up to the Boss Works

(Image: Brainy Smurf and Papa Smurf/Warner Bros.)It's easy when you work for such an intelligent CEO as Alex Santoso or a prudent and thoughtful editor like Miss Cellania. But even if you don't work in a company as well-...

Unhappily Ever After

What if they didn’t live happily ever after? Nickelodeon storyboard animator Jeff Hong has a new Tumblr blog in which he illustrates the potential unhappy endings of Disney movies. It’s call...

Stormtrooper Hobo Nickel

(Photo: Shaun Hughes)Nickel carving is American tradition dating back to at least the Great Depression. Some homeless people of that era carved designs into nickels, then sold them for hopefully more tha...

New Dog Center’s First Resident is a Cat

Dogs Trust, an animal rescue organization in England, is building a new dog shelter in Essex. It is expected to officially open for business in June and take in dogs who need homes. But a cat, who knows a good thing when...

Even More Star Wars Pancakes

Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you. Last week, pancake artist Nathan Shields wowed us with his pancakes that looked just like non-human creatures from Star Wars. His post was enticingly ent...

Father-Son Bonding

Chris at Lunarbaboon couldn’t let Star Wars Day go by without posting his tribute to the franchise. When Lucas finally figured out what he was going to do with the story, it set a standard for pass...

Agents of the U.N.E.M.P.L.O.Y.E.D. - Jobless In Tahiti

Agents of the U.N.E.M.P.L.O.Y.E.D. by Jeremy HawkinsAs the shield crumbled, and the hydra wrapped its tentacles around the world, the agents were forced to go into hiding and fight super-tyranny from the shadows. So who...

Norman Rockwell Inspired Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Art

The Ninja Turtles have become pop culture icons since they were created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird in the 1980s, and the various video game, movie, toy and comic book incarnations that have come out since cemented...

Classic Star Wars Parodies

[] (YouTube link)As soon as the very first movie proved to be a hit in 1977, people have been working the comedic side of Star Wars. One of my favorites is Hardware Wars (above), whic...

Student Poses As Teenager From Every Decade In The Last Hundred Years

There’s a common misconception that young folks don’t care much about the past these days, since they’re too caught up in tech gadgets and social media, but teenager Annalisa Hartlaub aims to change tha...

Anti-cheating Posters Pulled Over Reddit Post

A redditor who has since deleted his/her account posted this picture and said, “Just took a maths final with this on the wall of the exam room. It has formulas on that were needed in the exam. This poster got me an...

New Mickey Mouse Animated Short - Fire Escape

(Video Link)The creative animators at DisneyShorts have done a really good job of bringing Mickey Mouse back for fans young and old, and trying to get us all to forget about that awful looking called Mickey&r...

Disney’s A113 Easter Egg

The next time you watch a Disney film, keep your eye out for the easter egg A113. Imgur user TheGhostWhoHatesSpills gathered 24 examples of how Disney and Pixar films constantly use A113 whenever they ne...

If Life Was Like A Video Game It Would Look Exactly Like SUPER LIFE

(Video Link)Life is like a dream or a box of chocolates, life is hell, beautiful and golden, but if your life is like a video game then you probably have some pretty interesting stories to tell!However, a video game base...

Disneyland Then and Now

Disneyland opened in 1955 on the outskirts of Los Angeles, an island of fantasy in the middle of endless orange groves. Then the city grew up around it. Today it is a constrained island of fantasy in the middle of the...

Meet Frane Selak, The Luckiest Unlucky Man To Ever Live

(Video Link)Frane Celak has the dubious distinction of being the luckiest unlucky man in history, and he has survived so many vehicular disasters in his day they ought to sign him to the National Transportati...

Dark Side Impossible - A Rock N Roll Fantasy

Dark Side Impossible by TheducPeople tripped out on the original cover art for dark side, but boy are their minds going to be blown by this prismatic impossibility! Rock and roll and rainbows, when they're obscured by c...

Star Wars ...ROCKS!

[] (YouTube link)Here’s the perfect thing to get you going on Star Wars Day! A rocking’ medley of the various musical themes in Star Wars, courtesy of TheHumanTim (previous...

C-Clamp Legs Turn Any Flat Object into a Table

I've learned that in carpentry--well, in most things in life--you can never have too many clamps. Large c-clamps are useful in both the home and the workshop. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that Yael Zwickel, an indu...

Should We Destroy the Last Smallpox Virus?

An estimated 300 million people died from the smallpox virus in the 20th century. Then a was developed, and the World Health Organization declared the disease eradicated in 1979. Since then, the only live variola samples...

This Photographer's Dog Is More Patient Than I Am

There is little information available about Instagram member ma_hovina. He may be Samuel Jurcic, but I cannot confirm it. What I do know is that his dog is remarkably patient and considerate. If a man ca...

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