What Is It? game 301

It's once again time for our collaboration with the wonderfully entertaining What Is It? Blog. Do you know what the pictured item is? Can you make up something wonderfully wacky? That's what we're looking for: the funniest and most creative guesses. We will award t-shirts from the NeatoShop to two commenters who post the cleverest, funniest, or most outlandish uses for this thing!

Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, please, though you can enter as many guesses as you'd like in separate comments. You have until Friday evening to come up with great guesses.

Please write your T-shirt selection alongside your guess. If you don't include a selection, you forfeit the prize, see? May we suggest the Science T-Shirt, Funny T-Shirt and Artist-Designed T-Shirts?

See, you don't have to know the answer to win! And remember, there are more mystery items to figure out at the What Is It? Blog. Good luck!

Update: the unknown object was actually tool is for cutting off the top of the shell of a soft boiled egg. As for your funny and clever answers, it seems most readers had the same first impression (shame on you). The first to bring it up, so to speak, and the funniest, was Matthew Hubbard, who had this funny answer: "It is a "tool" used by Fathers to insure their daughters are safe when a young man came to call. The Father would sit in the living room destroying zucchini with the tool while discussing the "date plans" the young man had for his daughter. While technically illegal, most fathers will support other fathers in the community with an alibi, should the need arise." Sadly, he did not select a t-shirt. The other funniest answer was from Lucas Gentry, who had a reason for this tool's minimalist appearance: "It's a medieval orange-juicer. It did the same job as modern juicers, but the modern juicers looked too wimpy next to the iron maiden, so they used this bad boy." That's certainly worth a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! Thanks to everyone for playing this week. See the answers to all the mystery objects of the week at the What Is It? blog.

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This is actually a religious icon on Dune, similar to, say, a crucifix, but signifying a sandworm. Can't think of anything funny to say about though, other than the fact that it probably works on vampires as well as a crucifix, but only because they see a certain usefulness in it (see ArcadianGrace's entry).

et tailwhip,xl,black
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It is indeed a: 'Dr. Frommer-Richtenstein-Smith's "Fiendishly Clever Nutcracker"'.......(okay, minds out of the gutters, now.....We all know what rhymes with Frommer!!!!).
1. Place a walnut, pecan, beezenberry nut, a.k.a. 'nut of choice', on a plate.......
2. Adopt a menacing look while approaching nut with this, (and maybe doing a little 'snick-snick')...
3. Voila ! The nut will completely jump out of its shell !
As The Institute likes to say: "Needs no crackin' ; sends the nut's clothes packin' ! "

Where the old gods are
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