Fannie Flambeaux

(YouTube link)

Big Clive shares the unboxing and instructions for playing with the doll called Fannie Flambeaux from the Smokin' Pussies Gang. She comes with her own flamethrower! This video may contain NSFW language, depending on your culture. Best to not take a chance in front of your boss.

I'd never heard of the Flamin' Pussies Gang, but after the butt pudding, I was ready to believe anything that comes from the pop culture world of Japan. Big Clive reacts about the way you'd expect, but I was cackling out loud. At the YouTube link, Clive explains how you can have a Fannie Flambeaux of your own. -via Arbroath

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You link to is messed up.

I just wonder if his surprise is real. Too bad it's ruined in the YouTube title. That's one big fire hazard.
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