Men Give up Trying to Look Good at 46, Women Wait until 59

I'm supposed to wait until I'm 46? Why didn't anyone tell me? The Daily Mail reports:

Men lose interest in fashion trends and being 'cool' at the age of 46, a new survey has revealed. 

But women put the effort in for a full 13 years longer - focusing on their appearance and general fitness until at least age 59. [...]

A spokesman for Benenden Health, who commissioned the research, said: 'Our survey suggests that maintaining our physical wellbeing into our later years simply becomes a lesser priority - influenced by wanting to relax in comfort and not have to keep up with trends.

'And men appear to "give up" far sooner than women.'

Link -via Dave Barry

(Image: Accept the Fact That You're Aging Breath Spray now on sale at the NeatoShop!)

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Totally agree, I've never been all that cool, and my only obeyance to fashion trends has been limited to buying whats in the shops at any particular time.

My appearance and general fitness has never been a huge priority apart from wanting to appear generally well groomed most of the time.

I've really only paid ANY attention to my physical well being in the last few years, as approaching, and now reaching 45 I've become aware of things that need attention and I really don't want to be 60 and unable to move freely, or see things, or eat without my teeth in etc.
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1. My wife would think less of me if cared about fashion beyond looking neat, clean and professional. So would I.

2. I'm a middle-aged brony, so obviously I have no problems with staying cool.

3. Yes, physical health is important--far more than any concept of appearance.
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Wow. Just in that pull quote they refer to three totally different things as if they are the same.
1. fashion trends and being 'cool'
2. appearance and general fitness
3. maintaining our physical wellbeing
Those things may be dropped by the wayside as we age, but not at the same time. I got over being 'cool' and trendy a LONG time ago. Appearance concerns are falling away, but I still care about being fit -somewhat. I hope I am concerned with maintaining physical well-being for a long time.
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