What Is It? game 293

Hey look! It's time for our collaboration with the wonderful What Is It? Blog! Do you know what the object in this picture is? It doesn't really matter if you do, because we are looking for the funniest guesses. You can win a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! But first, read the rules:

Place your guess in the comment section below. One guess per comment, please, though you can enter as many as you'd like. Post no URLs or weblinks, as doing so will forfeit your entry. Two winners who submit funny and/or clever (albeit ultimately wrong) answers will each win a T-shirt from the NeatoShop.

If you guess the correct answer, you'll get a big pat on the back.

Please write your T-shirt selection alongside your guess. If you don't include a selection, you forfeit the prize, okay? May we suggest the Science T-Shirt, Funny T-Shirt and Artist-Designed T-Shirts?

There are more pictures of this thing at the What Is It? Blog. Good luck!

Update: It's a fisherman's surf sinker, also called a breakaway sinker, spider weight, or grapnel sinker. Neatoramanauts had much better answers. Berhard said it was the "matrix bug" that crawled into Neo's belly (in the only Matrix movie). That's funny-and worth a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! Another t-shirt goes to DrWhat who said,

I'm just going to go ahead and state the obvious. It's an electric marshmallow roaster. You poke one marshmallow on each of the four wires and then connect the two leads to your power source. A few seconds later, toasted from the inside out all ready for s'mores.

Congratulations to both! See the answers to all this weeks mystery items at the What Is It? blog.

UPdate #2: Thanks to commenter Anthony Novak, the What Is it? blog has updated their answer for this item. This is a launched grapnel hook for firing into mine fields and dragging back to detonate trip wire mines, patent number 5,448,937.

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This is the steam punk version of the Sentinel, a.k.a. Squiddy, from The Matrix. Currently on sale for only $999.99 on Esty. Each one is unique so they will a become a collector's item fast. Made exclusively for anyone, by an artist no one has heard of of, with a Bachelor of Arts, who is trying anything to gather a pound of flesh to eliminate their student loans. For $3 dollars more you can receive a foot massage.

Occam's Razor XL Ash

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It's a prototype hamster drawn sonic tracking device, used to lure sandworms to surface on the planet Arrakis. Unfortunately, due to poor design the draft hamsters were being consumed along with the lures and the program was abandoned. While longer tethers were proposed, the local teamster hamster unions refused due to unfair compensation for the harsh environmental conditions.

The Empire Sacks Back, black, lrg
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