All Five Monster Cereals Coming for Halloween

General Mills normally brings back Count Chocula, Frankenberry, and Boo Berry breakfast cereals for Halloween each year. This year, they will be joined by Frute Brute, which was discontinued in 1982, and Yummy Mummy, which hasn't been seen since 1992! All five cereals will be on shelves in new, horror movie-themed boxes. However, there will also be a line of the cereals in retro boxes, available at Target stores for the holiday.

“It’s exciting to see the passion for the return of these two cereals,” says Ari Zainudden, marketing manager in Big G. “We chose the current flavors of Fruity Yummy Mummy and Frute Brute to be as close as possible to the original flavors while taking into consideration consumers’ preferences. Consumers can get a taste for what these cereals were like when they were originally on shelves.”

“The love for the Monsters that we make available each Halloween continues to be huge and the passion for all of them across social media is incredible,” says Julie Anderla, integrated communications senior manager in Big G. “We’re bringing back Frute Brute and Fruity Yummy Mummy in an effort to give our fans what they asked for.”

Note that "Frute Brute" is spelled differently from the 1970s version. This will be the first time that all five cereals are available at the same time. There's a possibility that collectors may invade grocery stores to purchase the collections, and cereal connoisseurs may hoard their favorite flavor. They better make plenty! Link -via Uproxx

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Boo Berry used to be a favorite of mine as a kid. I tried some when they brought it back a few years ago and I found it completely disgusting. Kinda ruined that childhood illusion of the magical blue cereal.
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