You know how we go for weeks at a time without any holidays, and then several bunch up together? That's what's going on this weekend. Today is Derby Day, the annual Kentucky Derby at Lousiville Downs. But it's also Star Wars Day, when even non-geeks will greet you with "May the fourth be with you." To which you reply, "And also with you." Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo, meaning the fifth of May, an obscure holiday celebrated in the state of Puebla, Mexico, where they call it El Día de la Batalla de Puebla (The Day of the Battle of Puebla). The holiday has been appropriated by Americans in much the same way as St. Patricks Day or Chinese New Year. Whether you celebrate any or all of these holidays, I hope you can take some time this weekend to catch up on what's been happening at Neatorama. Here are our feature stories off the week:
John Farrier told us about 8 Crazy Fan Theories about Children's Television Shows.
Eddie Deezen gave us the lowdown on The Beatles Song Nobody Likes.
Betty Freeman's Day in Court, the story of how one woman ended slavery in Massachusetts, came from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.
The Annals of Improbable Research gave us Snail Data Transport Is Faster Than ADSL. Yes, that's a real snail delivering the goods.
How Sports Owners Made Their Money was from mental_floss magazine.
We had two brainteasers this week from the Bathroom Reader Institute: Gold and Silver and Mystery Product.
In the What Is It? game this week, the pictured item is a Russian Soyuz 28 Navigation Unit, it was used to determine Latitude/Longitude, Landing Position, and Orbit Angle of Landing during flight. Read more about it and see more pictures at the What Is It? blog. The first with the correct answer was Anker, who wins a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! The prize for the funniest answer was from Rks1157, who said "Russia's version of Google Earth. Works by splicing it into a phone line. It is a the mobile version of the device. It attaches to a car battery." Unfortunately, he didn't specify a t-shirt. Thanks to everyone who played this week, and thanks to the What is It? blog.
Congratulations to the winners in the Choose Your Own Hello Kitty Prize Giveaway, Eridan, ladybugs, and Mari Gold! That contest was open exclusively to those who subscribe to NeatoMail, the weekly newsletter from Neatorama. You can sign up as a subscriber and know when the next giveaway will be!
The most commented-on post of the week was a tie between The Cost to Feed a Family of Four with Healthy Food: $146 to $289 a Week and Hundreds of Gallons of Urine. Close behind was The Beatles Song Nobody Likes.
Comment(s) of the week: We had a couple of comments this week that everyone should know about. Yes, we had several posts that veered into bathroom humor this week, and Charles 4 pointed that out in the story about hundreds of galloons of urine, by saying "Quick, call that guy with all the bedpans!" referring to this post, which had a lot of funny comments itself. Another great comment came in the post from Whomp! Comics when Ronnie Filyaw stepped in to say, "THIS IS THE GREATEST WEBCOMIC EVER, AND I AM TOTALLY NOT THE GUY WHO DRAWS IT." He got lots of ♥s for that one!
The most popular post of the week was Modern Life, followed by 8 Crazy Fan Theories about Children's Television Shows and Caffeinated Owls.
The post that got the most ♥s was Who's Been Stealing the Paper from the Printer? In second place was Caffeinated Owls, then Misdirected Love Note and Steven Spielberg's Obama tied for third.
The most emailed post was The March of Progress, Bloody Mary Edition, followed by a tie between Francis Crick Wrote This Letter to His 12-Year Old Son about His Discovery of DNA and Steven Spielberg's Obama. Yes, we realize that all these stats favor posts published earlier in the week, and if I took a look on, say, Wednesday, they might be different.
Looking forward to next week, I see that Mothers Day is Sunday, May 12th. That means you still have time to order your Mother Day gifts from the NeatoShop -but don't put it off much longer!
And if that isn't enough Neatorama for you, we have extra content and fun at our Facebook page, Twitter feed, Instagram, and Pinterest. And mobile users: Flipboard makes it easy to keep up with Neatorama.