Archive for May 3rd, 2013

Bourbon Aged in Days

Bourbon is a whiskey made of mostly corn that is aged in charred oak barrels. Straight bourbon is aged at least two years, and the best bourbon is aged at least eight years. That's the conventional wisdom. But a new bran...

You've Been Eating Apples Wrong Your Whole Life

[](Video Link)You waste a third of an apple if you eat it from side to side, down to the core. An apple core, Foodbeast's Elie Ayrouth argues, is completely edible if you eat it...

A Different Russian Dash Cam Compilation

[] (YouTube link)Russians commonly use dash cams to record what happens on the road to defend themselves in case of accident fraud. That's why we have so much footage of the meteor that explode...

Doctor Whoooo

I've always found the Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant, as a bit owlish. And apparently so did deviantArtist EatToast, who created this adorable Doctor Whoo sculpture: Link...

Old Doorknobs Turned into Wine Bottle Stoppers

What can you do with an old doorknob? If unlatching a door isn't an option, you can turn it into a wine bottle stopper. That's one of many upcycling projects by Artfully Reimagined. I think this could be a great way to r...

Walking Graduation Cap

Walking Graduation Cap Graduation time is coming. This year give your favorite grad the Walking Graduation Cap from the NeatoShop. This adorable plush toy looks like a graduation cap with tassel. When you push the b...

New Look for He-Man

What do you think? DC Comics has redesigned He-Man for the new Masters of the Universe issue #4, out in July. Your reaction will probably depend on whether you grew up playing with He-Man action figures and watching him...

What's for Dinner? In China, Fake Meat Contains Rats and Foxes

Remember all the hoopla about horse meat in beef? "That's cute," said China. Fake meat there consists of rats and foxes: In Wuxi, in east China's Jiangsu Province, suspects ma...

Steampunk Nintendo Coffee Table

Charles Lushear's coffee table is made from reclaimed materials. The wood is from a fence. The directional pad is a copper cross used as currency a century ago in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The sta...

Summer Blockbusters as Indie Films

Can you imagine Fast & Furious 6 as a road trip movie about a non-traditional family? Everyone just pretend to be normal! It's just NextMovie re-imagining 2013 Summer blockbusters as indie...

The First Job Fair

Then just go to graduate school. Or ask the boss at McDroch's for your old job back. John McNamee offers too bleak a picture for this young graduate.Link[](Video Link)job intervi...

Plight of the Living Dead: 10 Case Reports of Cotard’s Syndrome

Cotard's Delusion is a condition in which the sufferer is convinced he is dead. In other words, they are zombies in their minds. Cases in medical literature go back to at least 1788. Mental_floss "dug up" ten such cases....

When NOT to be Nice to Your Spouse

Your significant other is having a bad day. The sink is full of dirty dishes and it's his or her turn to wash. So, what do you do? A. Grab the sponge and wash the dishes in the name of love. They...

Caligula and Joffrey Look a Lot Alike

Redditor Art4261 noticed that the insane and murderous Roman emperor Caligula looks a lot like the insane and murderous King Joffrey Baratheon in Game of Thrones--at least as the latter is portrayed by actor Jac...

The Matrix, Retold by Mom

[] Filmmaker Joe Nicolosi's mom saw The Matrix for the first time and lived to tell the tale. Here's her account of what the movie is all...

The 20 Most Insane Types Of Kentucky Derby Hats

Every year when my kids were young, we ventured as far as Lexington to shop for Easter dresses. And the stores had marvelous but very expensive hats for sale that you won't find in most states, because they are for the K...

Revolving Photo Frame

Revolving Photo Frame Mother's Day is May12th. This year give your hard working Mom the perfect desk accessory. The Revolving Photo Frame from the NeatoShop holds up to 6 4x4 photos. The cube revolves slowly around...

Walking on the Walls

Street art might drive you up the wall, but that's a good thing when Anders Gjennestad is at work. This Norwegian street artist who goes by the name Strøk used layered stencils to make this gravity-defying mural.L...

The Science of Hoarding

Image: Grap/Wikimedia The next time your mom complains that you don't throw junk away, tell her that you're in good company: nearly 15 million people suffer from varying degrees of ho...

The March of Progress, Bloody Mary Edition

We've seen extreme Bloody Marys before, but this one from O'Davey's Irish Pub in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin advances human gastronomy into previously unknown territory:This ultimate hangover cure is topped with an extensive...

How Sports Owners Made Their Money

Owning a professional sports franchise is my dream job. (I'm willing to relocate.) Of course, I could never afford my own team, except maybe in the NHL. Clearly, you have to be exceedingly wealthy to become an...

Amazing Macro Shots of Waves

With macro and wide angle lenses, French photographer Pierre Carreau takes stunning pictures of ordinary waves of water. Colossal's Christopher Jobson calls them "liquid sculptures," which I think is a perfect descriptio...

Forget Snow Days This School Is Closed for Sun Day

We have all heard about snow days, but have you ever heard about a sun day? In the beautiful, but rainy state of Washington a spring day filled with sunshine is something to truly celebrate. The Bellingham Christian...

27 Awesome Photos of Cultural Icons at Prom

Even celebrities went to high school, and some even attended the prom in their best formalwear -and had their pictures made. Politicians, sports stars, singers, and actors all appear in a collection of vintage and not-so...

The Cost to Feed a Family of Four with Healthy Food: $146 to $289 a Week

My Twinkies bill alone is more than that! According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the cost of feeding a family of four with a healthy diet ranges from $146 to $289 a week:...

Say No to May the 4th

[] (YouTube link)Saturday, May the fourth is Star Wars Day, but the Galactic Empire considers is a completely Rebel holiday. So they have issued a propaganda film to counteract such celebration...

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