Archive for February 17th, 2013

Camera Resolution Charts for Aerial Photography

Camera resolution charts are like eye charts for cameras. They are used to calibrate and focus the instruments. Cameras on airplanes need to be calibrated, too -and the charts for them are there, larger than life, to be...

Applejack Automaton

Renegadecow makes excellent My Little Pony automata, including Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Rarity. His most recent mechanical wonder shows Applejack bucking apples off a tree while almost knocking off her h...

How to Deal with Internet Trolls

[] (YouTube link)British MMA fighter James "The Colossus" Thompson has a surefire technique for neutralizing internet trolls. It's not what you might guess. Contains NSFW language. For added hu...

Hidden Log Drawers

Mark Moskovitz's "Facecord" cabinet looks like a woodpile, but contains three carefully concealed drawers in the front. It's his contribution to Against the Grain, an exhibit at the Mint Museum in Charlotte, North Caroli...

The Physics of Sunsets

…the beauty of a sunset, in all of its varieties and variations, is only enhanced the more you know about it.Sunsets grab our eyes and our interest. They change colors, dominate the horizon, and sometimes we even...

Doctor Who Watch

Doctor Who Watch Attention Doctor Who fans! Are you looking for a great way to make sure you on are time to watch your favorite television show? You need the Doctor Who Watch from the NeatoShop. This brilliant watch...

Adidas Pop Up Store Looks Like a Giant Shoebox

Pop up stores are all the rage now, but Adidas took it a step further with theirs. At the 2011 Primavera music festival in Barcelona, Spain, the company created an installation that looked lik...

Feeding the Groundhog

[] (YouTube link)You get the feeling this is a regular lunch stop for the groundhog. He doesn't look like he's missed too many meals! What sold me on this video is the part where he tries to ju...

The Throne of Nerds

The Iron Throne from Game of Thrones is a chair of welded swords that has cut and even killed the people who craved to sit upon it. Mike DeWolfe, a computer programmer from Canada, made the Throne of Nerds by wr...

USA Map Made Out of 50,000 Matchsticks

Photo: Dan Kvitka. Courtesy of Portland Institute for Contemporary Art/Flickr In her artwork America (Burnt/Unburnt), French artist Claire Fontaine created a map of the Unite...

Brothers Celebrate Lottery Win by Blowing Up House

Two unnamed brothers in Wichita, Kansas, won $75,000 in the lottery. They purchased marijuana and meth to celebrate their good fortune.The brothers were in a house in the 100 block of North Nevada Court, near Douglas and...

I Survived The Russian Meteor

I Survived The Russian Meteor Celebrate your survival from the latest cosmic-based apocalypse (take that, space pebble!) with this clever T-shirt design by Chris Murphy. Rem...

Russian Troops Marching to the SpongeBob SquarePants Theme

[](Video Link)Oh, no, it's not just one platoon marching on one occasion while chanting out the theme song of SpongeBob SquarePants. As you can see from this compilation video, it's a...

And Another Bottle Opener

And Another Bottle OpenerAll hail the ampersand. This fantastic logogram represents the wonderful word "and." Now you can pay homage to this meaningful symbol of unity with the And Another Bottle Opener from the NeatoSho...


This shirt was spotted at a mall in India. The small print says "Man behind brief and mask!!" Yes, I know you want one, but DC Comics would never authorize this because they'd just as soon see you buy two shirts. Link Ba...

Tank Altar

This moving photo was taken on 24 June 1944, one week into the three week battle to capture the island of Saipan. The caption provided by the Marine Corps Archives reads:Navy Chaplain O. David Herrmann, of Omaha, Neb., a...

Plane Crash POV

[] (YouTube link)This is probably the only time you'll see a video of a plane crash narrated by a passenger here, but in this instance no one was injured, aside from bumps and bruises. How trag...

Tuxedo Strawberries

This strawberry has already taken off his bow tie, but otherwise he's perfectly dressed for a formal occasion. Laura decorated strawberries for Valentine's Day. She coated a few with chocolate tuxedos.Link -via Tasteolog...

Mosh Pit Physics

Cornell graduate student Jesse Silverberg observed mosh pit activity at a heavy metal concert, and was inspired to study the movements of the dancers. Those movements turned out to be a lot like how gas particles move. &...

Armless Steampunk Baby Mannequin Desk Lamp

Why a baby? Paul McCue doesn't say why, but I suspect it's to give this lamp a homey feel appropriate for a nursery or an elementary school classroom. His lamp is made from a toddler-sized mannequin and stands 17 inches...

Wedding Cakes with Hidden Spider-Men

This wedding cake looks really nice! But what's that at the bottom? Spider-Man! This photo was posted by redditor PoliticalMilkman, from the wedding of his cousin. Link But wait! It's not the first time Spider-man has sn...

Oscar The Grouch Sesame Street Furry Laplander Hat

Oscar The Grouch Sesame Street Furry Laplander HatHas the cold winter weather left you feeling a wee bit grouchy? Wear your mood on your head with the Oscar The Grouch Sesame Street Furry Laplander Hat from the NeatoShop...

The Lamp That Opens Like a Book

Max Gunawan has designed the perfect reading light to accompany your e-reader. The Lumio is a battery-powered lamp that opens and closes like a book. It has built-in magnets so that the Lumio can be attached to ferrous s...

Hotel Het Arresthuis: Jail Turned Into Luxury Hotel

Most hotels have bars, but you're probably not thinking of these ones on the window. The Hotel Het Arresthuis in the Netherlands was actually a jail that was converted into a luxury...

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