Archive for January 19th, 2013

The Nintendo Stroller

And you call yourself a Nintendo afficionado. No self-respecting man should call himself a serious Nintendo collector unless he has this: the elusive Nintendo Mamaberica (1970) stroller....

Cupid Corn

Cupid Corn Attention candy corn addicts! Think candy corn is just for Halloween? Think again. Now you can get Cupid Corn from the NeatoShop. This delicious white, pink, and red treat is perfect for Valentine's Day....

Baby Elephant Rescued from a Well

[](Video Link)Our little, er, large friend is just a baby, perhaps eight or nine months old. He fell into a well in Bundu, Jharkhand, India. The villagers went straight...

Spider-Man Window Washer

Photo: Cherie Diez/Tampa Bay Times No, Spider-Man hadn't fallen on hard times and had to find work as a window washer. Rather, with great (window washing power), comes great responsib...

The Magnificent Pangolin

A pangolin looks a bit like a pine cone, rolls up in a ball like an armadillo, and eats ants like, well, liked an anteater. There are eight species of these mammals in Africa and Asia, and they are both endangered and de...

Should We Clone Neanderthals?

Given the advances in biotechnology, it's just a matter of time before humanity can bring the Neanderthals back from the dead. Whether we should is a completely different story, according to...


I'm quite taken with the sculptures of British artist Anna Gillespie. She uses stone, bronze, acorn cups, tree bark and other materials to create striking images of human frailty. She explained why she makes heavy use of...

Extreme Food: The Steako

Reed Rothchild came up with a recipe to combine "the three the things that are most important in my life, bacon, steak, and tacos." The Steako is a taco that uses a steak instead of a taco shell. And not just any steak -...

Brooklyn Toile by Beastie Boys' Mike D

Toile du Jouy prints usually depict bucolic scenes of farm animals, couples on a picnic and such, but that won't do for Beastie Boys singer Mike D or Mike Diamond, as his mom calls h...

Chewdy and Squirmer Hello Maggot Plush

Chewdy and Squirmer Hello Maggot Plush (sold separately)Valentine's Day is coming. Are you looking for the perfect gift for that special someone who has wiggled their way into you heart? You need a Hello Maggot Plush fro...

Should We Stop Using the Singular "They"?

In formal English grammar, the pronoun "they" is always plural. There is no gender-nonspecific singular pronoun in English. This is a problem, for there is often a need to express such a pronoun.There are alternatives. I...

What REAL Snowflakes in Nature Look Like

Remember those gorgeous microscope images of symmetrical snow flakes that you see in science textbooks? The real thing is a bit different. Researchers at the University of Utah utilized high spee...

Duke Street Hazard

[] (YouTube link)There's a slope in the pavement where a garage ramp crosses the sidewalk. On slick icy days, this will be hazardous, which is why the warning cones are there. But people have t...

Manatee Nebula: Sea Cow in Space!

Photo: NRAO/AUI/NSF, K. Golap, M. Goss, NASA's Wide Field Survey Explorer Photo: Tracy Colson Holy (Space) Cow! Forget the Space Whale, astronomers have spotted something way c...

Isaac Asimov's Business Card

Well, he did publish hundreds of books, including works in nine of the ten categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification system. And Asimov was clearly modest about it.-via Explore | Photo origin: unknownIsaac Asim...

Chocolate Fruit Omelet

A chocolate omelet? Why, sure! There's nothing about eggs that says they have to be paired with bacon, ham, or cheese. And what's in your chocolate cake and cookies? Eggs and chocolate. But unlike a chocolate cake, this...

The Butterfly Beauty Myth

Poor caterpillar. She will be forever compared to some imaginary, photoshopped creature pushed by popular culture. Cartoonist Caldwell Tanner offers his sympathies.Link -via Pleated JeansCaldwell Tanner, cartoons, caterp...

Limited Edition Strapless Black Satin Apron

Limited Edition Strapless Black Satin Apron (front and back shown)Are you looking for the perfect gift for favorite fashionista / culinary genius. You need the uber-chic Limited Edition Strapless Black Satin Apron from t...

Subway's 11-inch Footlong®

Last week, Australian teenager Matt Corby uploaded a photograph showing an 11-inch Subway sandwich. The original Facebook post has since been deleted, but Subway did respond to Corby."Hi, Matt. Thanks for writing. Lookin...

A Little Girl's Batmobile

One little girl is ripping up the streets of Gotham City in her new Batmobile. Instructables member Cinnamontwisties took a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe, painted it and added a pink cushion. Now her toddler is on her way to b...

This Week at Neatorama

If you have your Christmas decorations put away by now, consider yourself ahead of the game. There are plenty of people where I live that not only still have their trees up, but turn them on every night. And we are alrea...

A Letter from Hogwarts

It's wonderful news: you've been admitted to Hogwarts! Pack your size 2 pewter cauldron and get moving. Russian artist Alvia Alcedo painted this scene from Harry Potter on the feather of a greater spotted owl us...

The Goldilocks Door

One door is too big. The other one is too small. One is juuuust right! Check out this Goldilocks door (or is it doors? It's three doors in one!) from SlamDoors: Link - via Bored Pand...

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