Archive for October 3rd, 2012

Imaginary Friends

From the fertile mind of Dan Piraro, here's a Bizarro comic that I'm sure captured many parents' perception of a certain social media giant. Bizarro, Dan Piraro, Fac...

The Ebook You Have to Travel to Read

[]Interactive fiction is nothing new — we've had it since Choose Your Own Adventure books rolled out. But an ebook available now for the iPhone and iPad is taking interaction to a new lev...

Watch a Starfish Digest a Mussel

[vimeo 45154593](Video Link)If you've watched the nature series Spongebob Squarepants, you may be under the impression that starfish are gentle, harmless creatures. But they're not. Starfish are effective p...

Weddings Complete with Kidnappings

Photo: Vadim Ghirda Weddings are precious moments everywhere, but in Romania it comes with a little side of kidnapping for ransom. So forget veils, there brides wear blind...

Things You Probably Didn't Know About Andre the Giant

It's the 25th anniversary of The Princess Bride, and since everyone is chattering about the cast reunion and planning their post-debate viewing parties, now seems like as good a time as any to brush up on your A...

Coming Soon: A Very Bright Comet

Astronomers have discovered a new comet that should be visible from Earth in 2013, and shine even brighter than a full moon at its peak!The new comet, named C/2012 S1 (ISON) was found by the International Scientific Opti...

Adventure Time Finn Hood Backpack

Adventure Time Finn Hood Backpack - $43.95Attention Adventure Time fans! Behold the Adventure Time Finn Hood Backpack from the NeatoShop. This awesome backpack looks like the one Finn wears. But, wait! There's more!This...

The Knitted Boyfriend

[vimeo 39497405](Video Link) Noortje de Keijzer's My Knitted Boyfriend is a treat. It's the tale of a young woman who wanted a boyfriend, so she knitted one from yarn. He's perfect in every way: funny, kind...

Mask of the Dead

Covered with actual skin from slaves, this mask was carried like a flag on a pole by the medicine man of the Ekoi tribe of Cameroon, Africa, during funerals....

Frontloader Fail

[] (YouTube link)When you glance out the window and see a piece of heavy equipment perched at such an odd angle, of course you're going to whip out your phone and record what might happen. This...

Woman Turns Herself In For Illegal Manatee Ride

The photo above was released this week by the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office in Ft. De Soto, Florida. It's hard to see here, but the woman is riding a wild manatee. Did you know that riding a manatee is illegal? I...

Batman Proposes to Batgirl

In a romantic flashback moment, Ruby, dressed as Batman from the 1960s show, proposed to his girlfriend Jennnifer, dressed as Batgirl from the same show. It was a delicious event organized by actor Dean Cain at DragonCon...

In Russia, Drugs Test You

Pharmaceutical companies often have difficulty enrolling enough volunteers for drug trials in the U.S. and in Europe, but there's a place where volunteers are plentiful: Russia. It's a move of convenience, as authorities...

Portraits of Absence

Photo: Joe Gerhard (motelrodeo)/Flickr Finally! An undisputably solid excuse not to make my bed in the morning that not even my wife can deny: it's art. Seriously....

Vertically Revolving Rifle

The Porter Revolving Turret Rifle was an experimental firearm from the 1850s. P.W. Porter designed it to fill a demand for repeating rifles during the percussion cap era. It featured multiple chambers that could be cycle...

Orphan Baby Gorillas Rescued From Poachers

Two baby gorillas were rescued from poachers in separate incidents in September in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and are being cared for at a shelter in Virunga National Park. Isangi is about nine months old...

Bead It

They told him don't you ever thread around here Don't wanna see your cord, you better disappear The fire's in their strings and their wires are really clear...

Keep Calm and Carry On Pencils

Keep Calm and Carry On Pencils - $9.95Are you at war with a project at work? Strengthen your morale and resolve with the Keep Calm and Carry On Pencils from the NeatoShop. This brilliant set includes 12 pencils and a tin...

How to Write a Scientific Research Report

E. Robert Schulman , C. Virginia Cox , and E. Anne Schulman Alexandria, Virginia Abstract The stacking properties of toroids that reflect radiation in the 1.8 to 2.8 eV energy...

Power Rangers + Dubstep = What Did I Just Watch

[]I remember a time when Power Rangers weren't even able to morph without being suddenly transported to an undisclosed location and replaced with a crew of body doubles. Now they can do the Rob...

Vegan Spock

Perhaps it's because Mr. Spock lacked Vitamin M. You know, meat. Kidding, folks - I'm KIDDING! But seriously, how many of you don't find the cartoon above by Michael Capozol...

Cebu Style

[] (YouTube link)You knew it was coming. The inmates at Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in the Philippines dance to PSY's "Gangnam Style." In the rain, no less. -via Blame I...

He Just Beat My High Score

(Video Link)When the name of the game is Dishonored: Rat Assassin, you should just assume that your kitty will be better at it than you are.Via I Can Has Cheezburgerdishonored, video games, ipad, cats, videos, cute...

The 2012 Presidential Debate Drinking Game

The first presidential debate is tonight at 9PM Eastern (6PM Pacific). If you'll be watching for fun, you might want to keep an eye out for cues to take another drink. Watch out if you're playing for real, because the it...

Was Han Legally Justified In Shooting Greedo?

All real Star Wars fans know that Han shot first, but legally, was he justified in doing so or should the Empire go after him for murder? Well, ccording to The Legal Geeks:Without a doubt, having a blaster point...

Lilo and Stitch Deleted Scene

[] (YouTube link)A scene that didn't make it into the finished film Lilo and Stitch confronts racism among tourists, but Disney dropped it late in the production. -via BuzzfeedLilo and...

Insert Coin to Remove Belt

This belt buckle looks great -especially the fact that it lights up. The only problem? You know people will constantly hitting the coin eject button.Link Via BoingBoing belts, style, fashion, video games, coin return...

Time-Lapse Video Of Massive LEGO Vampire Being Built

(YouTube Link)A massive LEGO art vampire was built in New Orleans to officially usher in the Halloween season, and the fun part is- it was built by a crowd of people!Here's more on this epic scale LEGO build:LEGO kicked...

Skeleton in Casket 3-D Cake Pan

Skeleton in Casket 3-D Cake Pan - $37.95Are you dying to scare up a fabulous Halloween treat, but don't know where to start? Have no fear the Skeleton in Casket 3-D Cake Pan from the NeatoShop is here to help. This great...

10 of Weirdest World Championships Around

Want to win a worldwide competition, but aren’t too good at any of the things that might get you in the Olympics or other major sporting events? Well then, perhaps you could try your hand at one of these odd specia...


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