This handsome fellow is named E.T., and he makes all the other walruses jealous with his amazing array of vocal impressions.
He has even mastered the art of walrus whistling, a skill once thought lost to the icy waters of walrus antiquity.
This bristle faced E.T. has a bright future, unlike that other weirdo named E.T. with the glowing finger...
--via i09
Ser Xcsdfdf was found not guilty, but the court-marshal was enough to end his career, and he was assigned to an obscure, uninteresting warehouse.
Not willing to suffer this, Xcsdfdf retired with pension and now runs a sushi bar in Salinas, California, greeting customers using a custom built, early-middle-age Asian-looking bio-mechanical avatar that goes by the name Joe.
This avatar is fully-user-controlled, semi-autonomous, and fully-autonomous depending on requirements, with a full neuro-interface with any level of blending desired, and simultaneous memory dump to wet-ware even in fully auto-mode. Pretty cool.
Plus, the Avatar is fully functional and programmed with all techniques. This allows Xcsdfdf to pursue his attraction to 'willowy women' whenever he wishes.