Ten Superior Psychopaths

Superior psychopaths? The only place psychopaths could be described that way would be in fiction. And so it is, since the only way we can enjoy a psychopath is when we know they can do no real harm. Pajiba has a list of those TV characters that fascinate us because there are no limits to what they might do. Which is your favorite? Mine is pictured here. Link

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The only reason he went psycho on Walking Dead was because of the gross errors and poor writing in the script. I've no doubt the continuity issues in the story, bad direction and barely plausible storyline contributed as well. It's more a wonder as to how the entire cast didn't just lose it.
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Miss C likes the bad boys, does she?

Actually, I have no idea who he is, but if he's that messed-up looking, I figure it's some kinda prison thing.
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ted, I like good boys, too, but there aren't any on this list. In reality, I'm not even familiar with most of them, since I don't watch enough TV.

Shane here is a cop. Really.
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Haven't seen season 2 yet but if the keep close to the books I cannot wait to see what people think of those that make Joffrey Baratheon look like the child psychopath he is. "I want my Reek"
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