Woman Eats Rocks

I like to crunchy snack, but Teresa Widener really took that to a whole 'nother level: she likes to eat rocks.

Yep. Rocks:

“Mmm-hmm, yeah. They crunch on my teeth,” said Teresa Widener while eating her favorite snack.

Chocolate-covered pretzels? Everyone likes those.
“I like that it has an earthy flavor,” added Widener, who is 45 and lives in Bedford, Va.

French fries? Terra chips?

No, “crunch” and “earthy” aren’t culinary terms of art — they’re literal. Widener, a mother of two who works with special-needs children, eats rocks.

She doesn’t wash them. Sometimes she just sucks off the dirt. Other times, she takes a hammer and smacks them into bite-size pieces.

Link - via Fark

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That lady has found a great way to get a parasitic infection by eating dirt. Tapeworms, roundworms, whatever eggs are in the feces of the animals who have contributed to the soil are now finding their way to her intestinal tract.

There's a reason parents teach their children not to eat dirt.
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Saw this on tv a few months back. stranger still (smae show different night) was the woman who was eating her cremated husbands ashes.

I guess thats more in the ama category.
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Wasn't she on My Strange Addiction? Think so, I remember cringing whenever she'd crunch down on a rock. Hurts my teeth just thinking about it.
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