The British Council has released a collection of films produced in the 1940s to show the world how the British lived and worked.
You can browse through 80 available films. Link -via Boing Boing
Over 120 films were produced as 'cultural propaganda' to counteract anything the Nazis might throw out and to refute the idea that ours was a country stuck in the past. These films were designed to showcase Britain to the rest of the world, at a time when Britain itself was under attack.
Seen by millions of people in over 100 countries worldwide from the 1940's to 1960's, they present a historic snapshot of Britain, portraying its industry, its landscapes, and its people. The Collection is fantastically varied, covering anything from how a bicycle is made, to how the British spend their Saturdays.
You can browse through 80 available films. Link -via Boing Boing
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Some very nice cinematography in the few I've sampled, although "Student Nurse" wasn't near as exciting as one might think.
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Kalel, thanks for the laugh. I love things like this. I like to play them for my daughter so she can see that things were quite different in my mothers time. Look forward to seeing the rest of them.
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