Where Would You Go?

Where are the best places to hide from a zombie attack? We know from watching TV that the CDC in Atlanta is no help; neither is a bucolic farm. But there are some really fortified landmarks that could shelter you from the undead. Fort Knox is the closest sanctuary to me, but for aesthetic interest, I'd prefer Fort Boyard off the west coast of France.
Now completely uninhabited, this island fortress would make the perfect refuge from a Zombie attack, as it is surrounded by a particularly large moat: the Atlantic Ocean. Designed to repel the British, this fortress comes equipped with canon mounts and was once used as a prison, meaning it is pretty secure. So, if you find yourself stuck on a ship during the Zombie attack, why not head to Fort Boyard for a vacation from the undead.

Disregarding the fact that you would go to the closest shelter in the event of a zombie attack, which of these refuges would you like best? Link

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The "moat" of ocean may not be a help if a horde of zombies attacks. They're not alive, so they don't need to breathe, so they can casually stroll along the ocean bottom and right up to your island front door. Depending on the shark appetite for zombie meat and the effects of water pressure on undead flesh, you may be just as exposed as on that bucolic farm.
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Fort Boyard would definitely be nice, especially since it has been the set for game shows for the last 20 years, so there would be plenty to keep you entertained.
Unless there are zombie-contestants, in which case you may have to joust with them in order to retrieve the key to the tiger-filled treasure room before the clepsydra runs out.
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