This animated short by Hauke Scheer has it all-action, aliens, and whales in mecha armor powered by their minds.
The one thing this short doesn't have is the music rights to AC/DC's classic song "Back In Black", so Hauke came up with his own version, which sounds pretty close to the original.
This short left me with one nagging question-why didn't they give the whale a helmet?
--via Geekosystem
When the time comes, I won't be thrilled about being the junior partner in the whale-human alliance, but I guess it beats subjugation by aliens.
Let's hope the whales (and the dolphins)
don't gang up and sue us in The Hague for
crimes against fishkind.
The mecha is all wrong! It should be a
millipede-type multilegged crawler shell
with the whale and a sac of oxygenated water
inside! And heavy gun turrents fore and aft,
crewed by humans! Kinda like an OGRE mk 12.
You can mail the royalty check tomorrow.