Archive for March 22nd, 2012

Watch Out for That Zombie Kitteh!

Resident Evil Revelations looks kinda tame compared to the last games...but maybe I'm just desensitized to zombie cat violence by now. Link Via I Can Has CheezburgerFunny, cats, Cute, silly, animals, Resident Evil...

When Adventure Time Goes Skyrim

I would love to see this crossover and the best part is that it seems like something Adventure Time would even consider taking on at some point. Link Via The Daily WhatArt, TV, cartoons, video games, animation...

Political Posters That Urge You To Vote For The Villain

Seeing as how we are in an election year, it's not surprising that candidates are coming out of the woodwork and declaring their bid for various offices. But with all the problems we're having in the world, financ...

She Must Really Love Tacos

I don't know where this taco proposal actually comes from, but you have to wonder if she actually was into the idea or was turned off by the idea of a romantic gesture based on something available at Taco Bell. Li...

Flashing Chick

Flashing Chick - $3.95 (sold separately) Has work got you down? Maybe you would feel better if you were surrounded by a bunch of cute chicks. The NeatoShop can help.  Behold the adorable Flashing Chick from the Neato...

Now That's One Sneaky Otter

(Video Link) Break in, play, then run away where your playmate can't reach you. What a brat. Via Cute OverloadCute, videos, animals, dogs, pets, otters...

Celebrities Read Tweets About Themselves

(YouTube Link) To celebrate Twitters 6th anniversary, Jimmy Kimmel asked celebrities to read actual Tweets they've received, and it will come as no surprise that they're mostly hurtful and offensive. Celebrities, l...

The Delightfully Strange Sculptures Of Littlewhitehead

The artistic duo known as Littlewhitehead have some strange thoughts behind the sculptures in their collections. Their unique view of the world is darkly comical, which only adds to the disturbing nature of what each...

Wonderful Animated Short-"Childhood Of A Circle"

(YouTube Link) Childhood of a Circle is a whimsical animated short that will take you back to the wonder years of childhood. Created by French animator Kadavre Exquis, who also had a hand in creating the orig...

This Image Is Made with 500,000 Fish Hooks

This amazing picture by Cuban artist Yoan Capote looks like a black and white photo, but the ragged-looking surface is actually made out of half a million fish hooks. Capote and thirty assistants spent six months nai...

Mama Whale Lifts up Baby Whale to See the Humans

(Video Link) Whenever I take my kids to the zoo, I have to pick them up so that they can get good views of the animals. Maybe that's what this mother gray whale is doing by pushing her baby up to the boat full of fr...

Rumor: Darth Vader's Armor Is Inscribed with Hebrew Words

What do they mean? There are many translations going around the Internet -- assuming that the pictures are real and that's actually Hebrew. You can find them at the link. Offer your own interpretations in the comment...

Earth Sandwich

Redditor Matt872000 writes "Me, in Korea, and a friend, in Canada, just made an Earth Sandwich." Very good! It'll have a nice crunchy texture. Of course, the contents are off center and will slide out with the first...

Superman, Captain America and Nick Fury Take on a Regiment of Stormtroopers

No, it's not colored in. But that's a good thing, or else the awesomeness would be too much to mentally process. Comic book artist Darick Robertson gave this image to writer Larry Young. Young passed it on to his you...

Grilled Cheese Doughnut

You're looking at a grilled cheese doughnut, a culinary masterpiece or abomination - your pick, by Tom + Chee restaurant in Cincinnati, Ohio. Why, it's been voted as one of the best...

Benjamin Franklin's 220 Expressions for "Drunk"

(Video Link) Have you ever been offered a lot to drink and afterward found yourself contending with Pharaoh? If you know what I mean. No, you don't? Well, that was one of Benjamin Franklin's 220 euph...


Flav-O-Straws (sold separately) - $2.95 Are you looking for a way to make drinking an ordinary beverage extraordinarily fun? You need the Flav-O-Straws from the NeatoShop. These crazy scented drinking straws make it s...

Waldo Can't Hide From Mathematica

Waldo may be good at hiding from you and me, but can he hide from computers? Stack Overflow user Heike used the power of Mathematica to come up with an algorithm that identifies the sn...

Evolution Puzzle: Why Bad Mimics Haven't Died Out Yet

In evolutionary biology, mimicry is what happens when an organism evolved to look like something else, usually to avoid predators. For example, the harmless milk snake look...

Scrabble Typography Edition

Love Scrabble but not enamored with its ... well, let's just say "unhip" design? Typography lovers, here's the iconic word game reborn as a stylish set, made...

Spot The Neatobot Contest!

UPDATE: We've awarded 12 people t-shirts so far in our week-long contest! There's still 2 more days and 8 more winners to go. In case you're just tuning in, here's how it works: We're giving giving you...

From Rocket Science to Firefighting: Why We Should Continue to Fund Science

The left image on the top is the vortex combustion technology, developed by Orbital Technologies Corporation and NASA. In that technology, rocket fuel is fed into the combustion chambe...

Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine for Sale

Ray's Classics in California has a '69 Dodge cargo van for sale with the iconic paint job of the Mystery Machine from the cartoon series Scooby-Doo! Dog not included. Link -via Laughing Squid van, ScoobyDoo, Mystery...

Manhattan's Modest Art Collectors

Herb and Dorothy Vogel of New York City are not rich, but they have an amazing collection of art. Herb retired after years of sorting mail at the Manhattan Post Office. Dorothy was a librarian. They lived simply and spen...


Designer Garrett Miller has an ongoing project in which he takes children's drawings (and their descriptions) and makes them into professional illustrations. The imagination is still there; he just adds the technical...

Homemade Lucky Charms

Stef at The Cupcake Project made her own Lucky Charms cereal from scratch including the marshmallows in colors and shapes! She compares the project to climbing Mt. Everest: an accomplishment you can be proud of, but...

Space is Key

The instructions for this game are right there in the title: use the space bar. That's all. The game is easy to play, but what they don't tell you up front is how hard it is to stop! Link -via MetafilterGame...

Zombie Sleep Mask

Zombie Sleep Mask - $4.45 Are you worried about getting a restful nights sleep once the zombie apocalypse starts? You need the Zombie Sleep Mask from the NeatoShop. This great sleep mask helps you look like a zombie so...

Cosplay Samara is Eerily Accurate

Cosplay goes meta! The woman under this wonderful rendering of the character Samara from the game Mass Effect is actually the model who was used when the character was originally designed. Read more about her at Unre...

Crocheted Anti-Facial Recognition System

How can you subvert a camera equipped with a facial-recognition system? With crochet! Howie Woo crocheted a mask with a series of detachable facial features that make you look more like a cartoon character than a rea...


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