Out Walking The Dog When....WTF?!

Imagine seeing this hot mess of a duo out walking around your neighborhood dog park. Would you stop and take a picture, run away screaming in terror, or fall to the ground laughing at how that poor little dog on the leash isn't nearly as well groomed as the furry freak walking him? Me, I'd demand a hug from the furry dog walker, then snatch the leash away and head for the nearest Humane Society as fast as humanly possible.


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Not so strange in Oklahoma. One of our theme restaurants, Eskimo Joe's, mascots is just such a dog, named Buffy. The Tulsa World reported, perhaps optimistically, their shirts as #2 most collectible shirt in the world behind Hard Rock Cafe. Which we have in Tulsa, a Hard Rock Casino, which leads me to believe they are over saturated and will put their name on anything.

On a side note Eskimo Joe's restaurant in Stillwater, OK has excellent cheese fries and you get to take home your cup for which they are also famous.
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