Vacant Earth: What Would You Do?

MetaFilter member Dudley Storey poses a fascinating question:

So you wake up tomorrow morning to find almost everyone on Earth missing. The Internet will continue to work for a few hours: what information could you download to ensure your survival and rebuild civilization?

Mr. Storey has a few suggestions, which you can read at the link. How would you answer the question?

Link -via Super Punch | Image: Random House

Previously: A Monument of Post-Apocalyptic Instructions

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Why would you download anything at all, you're not going to have power very long anyway. I'm sure someone has already mentioned this but hello...ever hear of books?
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Ummm.. I guess I'll be able to survive. If everyone's missing, there's a lot of stuff laying around. Seeds, food (canned food for decades everywhere). Vegetables to grow. I guess I'll meet with the other survivors, grow food, get high, look at the clouds, listen to the wind, feel the grass beneath my feet. It'll be alright.

I would have no intention to rebuild what we have today.
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Thorfin, I've never used them but when I was hiking Kilimanjaro there were a couple of people who had them to keep their iphones powered up. I thought it was silly but there actually is a cell signal at the summit and people like to call home while severely oxygen deprived.
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