A baby seal with serious cuteness and boundary issues slipped through the cat door of a house in Tauranga, New Zealand. The human residents returned to find it relaxed and making itself at home:
The owners were charmed by the seal, but that doesn't mean that you should follow his example. When a human does this, it's a smidgen less cute. Watch a video of the seal at the link.
Link -via The Mary Sue
Swoffer said at first she though the cats had brought in a rabbit, or perhaps the noise was an intruder. But she knew it was something different when the dog didn't react.
"I got a shock. It's kind of like finding an elephant in your house," she said.
The baby fur seal, however, was not perturbed.
It waddled its way into the lounge and onto the couch, where it then took a nap.
The owners were charmed by the seal, but that doesn't mean that you should follow his example. When a human does this, it's a smidgen less cute. Watch a video of the seal at the link.
Link -via The Mary Sue