As the young'ns become slightly older'ns, and a new decade fad replaces the old, our popular interest sights are set upon the 1990s, a time of Bush/Clinton, Nicktoons and Cross Colours (which some kids felt the need to wear backwards, thanks to flash-in-the-pan kid rap act Kris Kross).
This massive desk doodle seems to sum it all up, in terms of animation anyways, with all the greats present and accounted for- Rugrats, Johnny Bravo, the Simpsons, Animaniacs, Sonic and Gumby? What's he doing in there?
Kids these days.
Now you get stupid shows about teens having sex, rushed video games full of glitches, and crappy auto-tuned music.
Sure, you have the occasional golden ticket, but they're far and in between compared to the 90's.